Past Cancer Disparities Symposia
11th Annual Cancer Disparities Research Symposium
Focused on Equity in Clinical Trials Participation
In Recognition of National Minority Cancer Awareness
May 10th, 2024 | 9:00am - 12:00pm
Location: Virtual - Zoom link provided upon registration
Detailed Agenda
9:00 am: Event starts
9:10 am: Keynote Speaker – Robert Winn, MD Director & Lipman Chair in Oncology, VCU Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center
10:15 am: Patient Advocacy Panel Discussion and Q&A
11:00 am: Panel 2 Discussion and Q&A
- Ivy Tillman, EdD, CCRC, CIP, Executive Director of PRIM&R
- Andrew Hantel, MD, Faculty in the Division of Population Sciences, DFCI
- Glenn Hanna, MD, Director, Center for Cancer Therapeutic Innovation (Early Drug Development Program)
12:00 pm: Closing Remarks
In Partnership with:
10th Annual Cancer Disparities Research Symposium
Environmental Justice with a Cancer Lens
In Recognition of National Minority Cancer Awareness
April 26th, 2023 | 9:00am - 11:30am
Location: Virtual - Zoom link provided upon registration
Detailed Agenda
9:00 am : Event starts
9:15 am: Speaker - Judy Ou, PhD, Epidemiologist at Social & Scientific Systems, Inc., DLH holdings company
9:45 am: Speaker - Diana Hernandez, PhD, Associate Professor of Sociomedical Sciences at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health
10:15am: Panel Discussion and Q&A
- Grace Muwina, Community Activist and Chair of Board of Directors at Green Roots, Inc.
- Julia Brody, PhD, Executive Director and Senior Scientist at Silent Spring Institute
- Mark Nascerella, PhD, Toxicologist at Massachusetts Department of Public Health
- Margot Brown, MD, the Vice President of Justice and Equity at the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF).
11:30 am: Closing Remarks
In Partnership with:
- Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center, Center for Cancer Equity and Engagement
- Harvard Medical School, The Office of Diversity Inclusion and Community Partnership
- UMass Boston and Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center, U54 Partnership
- Baystate Health, Public Health and Community Relations
- Harvard Catalyst, Community Engagement Program
- American Cancer Society, Inc. Northeast Region