
DF/HCC offers a variety of funding opportunities to members to encourage and enhance the collaborative spirit of research within the Harvard-affiliated medical community. Annual funding opportunities through DF/HCC have historically included pilot project awards through our Cancer Center development funding budget, SPORE career and project development awards, and jointly sponsored funding opportunities made available through our many partnerships with entities such as the Harvard Catalyst, the U54 DF/HCC UMass Boston Partnership, and the Harvard University Center for AIDs Research.

Two important funding programs have provided substantial opportunities to DF/HCC investigators recently. The Bridge Project, a collaboration between DF/HCC and the Koch Institute for Cancer Research at MIT, offers funding for teams that bring bioengineering, advanced cancer science, and clinical oncology together to address unmet clinical needs and technological solutions. The A. David Mazzone Research Awards Program funds a series of collaborative and innovative cancer research, career development, community outreach, and training projects to address a range of needs in prostate cancer and Lupron-treatable diseases.

Funding Opportunities & Archive