2017 Event Information & RSVP

September 28th, 2017
12:30 - 4:30 pm

(Each presentation will last 15 minutes; stay for one or many.)

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Smith Building, 3rd Floor, Room SM308/309
Boston, MA 02215


12:30-12:45pm: pizza available
12:45-2:15pm: First 6 presentations (15 minutes per team, including discussion)
2:15-2:30pm: coffee break
2:30-4pm: Final 6 presentations (15 minutes per team, including discussion)
4-4:30pm: shark/reviewer deliberations

Come see teams pitch their ideas for collaborative pilot project funding to a panel of DF/HCC reviewers, Shark Tank Style (like on the Shark Tank television show: http://abc.go.com/shows/shark-tank/about-the-show).

Please consider RSVP'ng to see this new interactive funding review method, and to support the young investigators who are pitching their ideas.