Nodal Point Pilot Projects Award Program

DF/HCC places special emphasis on collaborations between members in disease- and discipline-based Programs with the belief that such projects can expedite the translation of results from basic and population sciences into clinical research. This type of interdisciplinary collaboration is called a Nodal Point within DF/HCC. The Nodal Point Pilot Projects Award Program is directly aimed at facilitating new Nodal Points, or enriching existing ones. Inter-institutional collaborations and collaborative proposals focused on eliminating cancer disparities in Massachusetts are of particular interest. Proposals are solicited bi-annually and evaluated by peer review. Funds are awarded based upon scientific merit, novelty, direct translational applicability, and the ability to create or enhance inter-institutional and interdisciplinary collaboration.

2019 RFA Released!

Key Dates:

  • Letter of Intent Due: Friday, October 4, 2019
  • Application Due: Friday, November 1, 2019 by 5pm
  • Anticipated Award Date: December 1, 2019