Photo of Andrea C. Enzinger,  MD

Andrea C. Enzinger, MD

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Phone: (617) 582-7335
Fax: (617) 582-7875

Andrea C. Enzinger, MD

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute


  • Assistant Professor, Medicine, Harvard Medical School
  • Assistant Professor, Medical Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute


Research Abstract

My research focuses on the intersection of oncology and palliative care. I am interested in understanding effective communication about prognosis and the goals of palliative cancer treatment. I am also interested in understanding and improving the support of patient spirituality within care at the end-of-life. Specific projects I am currently working on include an analysis of audio-recorded cancer progression clinic conversations seeking to identify communication characteristics which favorably impact advanced cancer patients’ prognostic understanding. I am also collaborating with Dr. Deb Schrag in a PCORI funded project to involve key patient and clinician stakeholders to create a multi-media library of patient-centered informed consent tools for common palliative chemotherapy regimens. This suite of tools with then be tested in a randomized clinical trial to determine if it improves patient-centered informed decision making about palliative chemotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer.

Publications from Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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  • Wall JA, Pozzar RA, Enzinger AC, Tavormina A, Howard C, Matulonis UA, Liu JF, Horowitz N, Meyer LA, Wright AA. Improving the palliative-procedure decision-making process for patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis: A secondary analysis. Gynecol Oncol 2024; 188:125-130. PubMed
  • Pozzar RA, Enzinger AC, Howard C, Tavormina A, Matulonis UA, Campos S, Liu JF, Horowitz N, Konstantinopoulos PA, Krasner C, Wall JA, Sciacca K, Meyer LA, Lindvall C, Wright AA. Feasibility and acceptability of a nurse-led telehealth intervention (BOLSTER) to support patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis and their caregivers: A pilot randomized clinical trial. Gynecol Oncol 2024; 188:1-7. PubMed
  • Paudel R, Enzinger AC, Uno H, Cronin C, Wong SL, Dizon DS, Hazard Jenkins H, Bian J, Osarogiagbon RU, Jensen RE, Mitchell SA, Schrag D, Hassett MJ. Effects of a change in recall period on reporting severe symptoms: an analysis of a pragmatic multisite trial. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2024. PubMed
  • DeForge SM, Smith K, Anderson KA, Baltazar AR, Beck M, Enzinger AC, Tulsky JA, Allsop M, Edwards RR, Schreiber KL, Azizoddin DR. Pain coping, multidisciplinary care, and mHealth: Patients' views on managing advanced cancer pain. 2024; 33:e6308. PubMed
  • Azizoddin DR, DeForge SM, Baltazar A, Edwards RR, Allsop M, Tulsky JA, Businelle MS, Schreiber KL, Enzinger AC. Development and pre-pilot testing of STAMP + CBT: an mHealth app combining pain cognitive behavioral therapy and opioid support for patients with advanced cancer and pain. Support Care Cancer 2024; 32:123. PubMed
  • Pozzar RA, Wall JA, Tavormina A, Thompson E, Enzinger AC, Matulonis UA, Campos S, Meyer LA, Wright AA. Experiences of patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis-related complex care needs and their caregivers. Gynecol Oncol 2023; 181:68-75. PubMed
  • Azizoddin DR, Wilson JM, Flowers KM, Beck M, Chai P, Enzinger AC, Edwards R, Miaskowski C, Tulsky JA, Schreiber KL. Daily pain and opioid administration in hospitalized patients with cancer: the importance of psychological factors, recent surgery, and current opioid use. Pain 2023. PubMed
  • Leiter RE, Varas MTB, Miralda K, Muneton-Castano Y, Furtado G, Revette A, Cronin C, Soares HP, Lopez A, Hayman LL, Lindsay AC, Schrag D, Enzinger AC. Adaptation of a Multimedia Chemotherapy Educational Intervention for Latinos: Letting Patient Narratives Speak for Themselves. J Cancer Educ 2023. PubMed
  • Enzinger AC, Ghosh K, Keating NL, Cutler DM, Clark CR, Florez N, Landrum MB, Wright AA. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Opioid Access and Urine Drug Screening Among Older Patients With Poor-Prognosis Cancer Near the End of Life. J Clin Oncol 2023. PubMed
  • Fenton ATHR, Ornstein KA, Dilworth-Anderson P, Keating NL, Kent EE, Litzelman K, Enzinger AC, Rowland JH, Wright AA. Racial and ethnic disparities in cancer caregiver burden and potential sociocultural mediators. Support Care Cancer 2022; 30:9625-9633. PubMed
  • Fenton ATHR, Fletcher KM, Kizildag D, Borstelmann NA, Kessler D, Cronin C, Revette AC, Wright AA, Frank E, Enzinger AC. Cancer Caregivers' Prognostic and End-of-Life Communication Needs and Experiences and their Impact. J Pain Symptom Manage 2022. PubMed
  • Perez K, Kulke MH, Horick NK, Regan E, Graham C, Scheutz S, Stonely D, Enzinger PC, Fuchs CS, Allen JN, Enzinger AC, Clark JW, Chan JA. A Phase II Study of Ziv-Aflibercept in Patients With Advanced Extrapancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors. Pancreas 2022; 51:763-768. PubMed
  • Lindvall C, Deng CY, Agaronnik ND, Kwok A, Samineni S, Umeton R, Mackie-Jenkins W, Kehl KL, Tulsky JA, Enzinger AC. Deep Learning for Cancer Symptoms Monitoring on the Basis of Electronic Health Record Unstructured Clinical Notes. JCO Clin Cancer Inform 2022; 6:e2100136. PubMed
  • Pozzar RA, Enzinger AC, Poort H, Furey A, Donovan H, Orechia M, Thompson E, Tavormina A, Fenton ATHR, Jaung T, Braun IM, DeMarsh A, Cooley ME, Wright AA. Developing and Field Testing BOLSTER: A Nurse-Led Care Management Intervention to Support Patients and Caregivers following Hospitalization for Gynecologic Cancer-Associated Peritoneal Carcinomatosis. J Palliat Med 2022. PubMed
  • Enzinger AC, Ghosh K, Keating NL, Cutler DM, Landrum MB, Wright AA. US Trends in Opioid Access Among Patients With Poor Prognosis Cancer Near the End-of-Life. J Clin Oncol 2021. PubMed
  • Azizoddin DR, Schreiber K, Beck MR, Enzinger AC, Hruschak V, Darnall BD, Edwards RR, Allsop MJ, Tulsky JA, Boyer E, Mackey S. Chronic pain severity, impact, and opioid use among patients with cancer: An analysis of biopsychosocial factors using the CHOIR learning health care system. Cancer 2021. PubMed
  • Azizoddin DR, Knoerl R, Adam R, Kessler D, Tulsky JA, Edwards RR, Enzinger AC. Cancer pain self-management in the context of a national opioid epidemic: Experiences of patients with advanced cancer using opioids. Cancer 2021. PubMed
  • Azizoddin DR, Adam R, Kessler D, Wright AA, Kematick B, Sullivan C, Zhang H, Hassett MJ, Cooley ME, Ehrlich O, Enzinger AC. Leveraging mobile health technology and research methodology to optimize patient education and self-management support for advanced cancer pain. Support Care Cancer 2021. PubMed
  • Enzinger AC, Wright AA. Reduced opioid prescribing by oncologists: progress made, or ground lost? Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2020. PubMed
  • Enzinger AC, Uno H, McCleary N, Frank E, Sanoff H, Van Loon K, Matin K, Bullock A, Cronin C, Bagley J, Schrag D. The Effect of Disclosing Life Expectancy Information on Patients' Prognostic Understanding: Secondary Outcomes From a Multicenter Randomized Trial of a Palliative Chemotherapy Educational Intervention. J Pain Symptom Manage 2020. PubMed
  • Enzinger AC, Uno H, McCleary N, Frank E, Sanoff H, Van Loon K, Matin K, Bullock A, Cronin C, Cibotti H, Bagley J, Schrag D. Effectiveness of a Multimedia Educational Intervention to Improve Understanding of the Risks and Benefits of Palliative Chemotherapy in Patients With Advanced Cancer: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Oncol 2020; 6:1265-1270. PubMed
  • Azizoddin DR, Enzinger AC, Wright AA, Yusufov M, Tulsky JA, Campbell EG, Bolcic-Jankovic D, Nayak MM, Braun IM. Oncologists' perspectives on medical marijuana use by older adults. 2020. PubMed
  • Azizoddin DR, Lakin JR, Hauser J, Rynar LZ, Weldon C, Molokie R, Enzinger AC, Payvar S, Martin JL. Meeting the guidelines: Implementing a distress screening intervention for veterans with cancer. 2020; 29:2067-2074. PubMed
  • Balboni TA, Prigerson HG, Balboni MJ, Enzinger AC, VanderWeele TJ, Maciejewski PK. A scale to assess religious beliefs in end-of-life medical care. Cancer 2019. PubMed
  • Forsyth AW, Barzilay R, Hughes KS, Lui D, Lorenz KA, Enzinger A, Tulsky JA, Lindvall C. Machine Learning Methods to Extract Documentation of Breast Cancer Symptoms From Electronic Health Records. J Pain Symptom Manage 2018. PubMed
  • Sanders JJ, Chow V, Enzinger AC, Lam TC, Smith PT, Quiñones R, Baccari A, Philbrick S, White-Hammond G, Peteet J, Balboni TA, Balboni MJ. Seeking and Accepting: U.S. Clergy Theological and Moral Perspectives Informing Decision Making at the End of Life. J Palliat Med 2017. PubMed
  • Enzinger AC, Wind JK, Frank E, McCleary NJ, Porter L, Cushing H, Abbott C, Cronin C, Enzinger PC, Meropol NJ, Schrag D. A stakeholder-driven approach to improve the informed consent process for palliative chemotherapy. Patient Educ Couns 2017. PubMed
  • Balboni MJ, Sullivan A, Enzinger AC, Smith PT, Mitchell C, Peteet JR, Tulsky J, VanderWeele T, Balboni TA. United States Clergy Religious Values and Relationships to End-of-Life Discussions and Care. J Pain Symptom Manage 2017. PubMed
  • Enzinger AC, Zhang B, Schrag D, Prigerson HG. Outcomes of Prognostic Disclosure: Associations With Prognostic Understanding, Distress, and Relationship With Physician Among Patients With Advanced Cancer. J Clin Oncol 2015; 33:3809-16. PubMed
  • Epstein-Peterson ZD, Sullivan AJ, Enzinger AC, Trevino KM, Zollfrank AA, Balboni MJ, VanderWeele TJ, Balboni TA. Examining Forms of Spiritual Care Provided in the Advanced Cancer Setting. Am J Hosp Palliat Care 2015. PubMed
  • Balboni MJ, Sullivan A, Enzinger AC, Epstein-Peterson ZD, Tseng YD, Mitchell C, Niska J, Zollfrank A, VanderWeele TJ, Balboni TA. Nurse and physician barriers to spiritual care provision at the end of life. J Pain Symptom Manage 2014. PubMed
  • Enzinger AC, Zhang B, Weeks JC, Prigerson HG. Clinical trial participation as part of end-of-life cancer care: associations with medical care and quality of life near death. J Pain Symptom Manage 2014. PubMed
  • Balboni TA, Balboni M, Enzinger AC, Gallivan K, Paulk ME, Wright A, Steinhauser K, VanderWeele TJ, Prigerson HG. Provision of spiritual support to patients with advanced cancer by religious communities and associations with medical care at the end of life. JAMA Intern Med 2013; 173:1109-17. PubMed
  • Balboni MJ, Sullivan A, Amobi A, Phelps AC, Gorman DP, Zollfrank A, Peteet JR, Prigerson HG, Vanderweele TJ, Balboni TA. Why is spiritual care infrequent at the end of life? Spiritual care perceptions among patients, nurses, and physicians and the role of training. J Clin Oncol 2013; 31:461-7. PubMed
  • Phelps AC, Lauderdale KE, Alcorn S, Dillinger J, Balboni MT, Van Wert M, Vanderweele TJ, Balboni TA. Addressing spirituality within the care of patients at the end of life: perspectives of patients with advanced cancer, oncologists, and oncology nurses. J Clin Oncol 2012; 30:2538-44. PubMed
  • Maciejewski PK, Phelps AC, Kacel EL, Balboni TA, Balboni M, Wright AA, Pirl W, Prigerson HG. Religious coping and behavioral disengagement: opposing influences on advance care planning and receipt of intensive care near death. 2012. PubMed
  • Balboni MJ, Babar A, Dillinger J, Phelps AC, George E, Block SD, Kachnic L, Hunt J, Peteet J, Prigerson HG, VanderWeele TJ, Balboni TA. "It depends": viewpoints of patients, physicians, and nurses on patient-practitioner prayer in the setting of advanced cancer. J Pain Symptom Manage 2011. PubMed
  • Balboni TA, Paulk ME, Balboni MJ, Phelps AC, Loggers ET, Wright AA, Block SD, Lewis EF, Peteet JR, Prigerson HG. Provision of spiritual care to patients with advanced cancer: associations with medical care and quality of life near death. J Clin Oncol 2010; 28:445-52. PubMed
  • Phelps AC,Maciejewski PK,Nilsson M,Balboni TA,Wright AA,Paulk ME,Trice E,Schrag D,Peteet JR,Block SD,Prigerson HG. Religious coping and use of intensive life-prolonging care near death in patients with advanced cancer. JAMA 2009; 301:1140-7. PubMed