Photo of Jerrold R Turner,  MD, PhD

Jerrold R Turner, MD, PhD

Brigham And Women's Hospital

Brigham And Women's Hospital
Phone: (617) 525-8165

Jerrold R Turner, MD, PhD

Brigham And Women's Hospital


  • Professor, Pathology, Harvard Medical School
  • Professor, Medicine, Brigham And Women's Hospital


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  • Huang YJ, Lee TC, Pai YC, Lin BR, Turner JR, Yu LC. A Novel Tumor Suppressor Role of Myosin Light Chain Kinase Splice Variants through Downregulation of the TEAD4/CD44 Axis. Carcinogenesis 2021. PubMed
  • Abtahi S, Gliksman NR, Heneghan JF, Nilsen SP, Muhlich JL, Copeland J, Rozbicki E, Allan C, Dudeja PK, Turner JR. A Simple Method for Creating a High-Content Microscope for Imaging Multiplexed Tissue Microarrays. Curr Protoc 2021; 1:e68. PubMed
  • Cao F, Zhu L, Zhang J, Pongkorpsakol P, Kuo WT, Turner JR, Zhou Q, Wang Y, Chen F, Liu Y, Zuo L. Myosin light chain kinase is a potential target for hypopharyngeal cancer treatment. 2020; 131:110665. PubMed
  • Donowitz M, Turner JR, Verkman AS, Zachos NC. Current and potential future applications of human stem cell models in drug development. J Clin Invest 2020. PubMed
  • Yvellez OV, Rai V, Sossenheimer PH, Hart J, Turner JR, Weber C, El Jurdi K, Rubin DT. Cumulative Histologic Inflammation Predicts Colorectal Neoplasia in Ulcerative Colitis: A Validation Study. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2020. PubMed
  • Graham WV, He W, Marchiando AM, Zha J, Singh G, Li HS, Biswas A, Ong MLDM, Jiang ZH, Choi W, Zuccola H, Wang Y, Griffith J, Wu J, Rosenberg HJ, Wang Y, Snapper SB, Ostrov D, Meredith SC, Miller LW, Turner JR. Intracellular MLCK1 diversion reverses barrier loss to restore mucosal homeostasis. Nat Med 2019; 25:690-700. PubMed
  • Zha JM, Li HS, Lin Q, Kuo WT, Jiang ZH, Tsai PY, Ding N, Wu J, Xu SF, Wang YT, Pan J, Zhou XM, Chen K, Tao M, Odenwald MA, Tamura A, Tsukita S, Turner JR, He WQ. Interleukin 22 Expands Transit-Amplifying Cells While Depleting Lgr5 Stem Cells via Inhibition of Wnt and Notch Signaling. Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol 2019; 7:255-274. PubMed
  • Weber CR, Liang GH, Wang Y, Das S, Shen L, Yu AS, Nelson DJ, Turner JR. Claudin-2-dependent paracellular channels are dynamically gated. Elife 2015. PubMed
  • Konda VJ, Koons A, Siddiqui UD, Xiao SY, Turner JR, Waxman I. Optical biopsy approaches in Barrett's esophagus with next-generation optical coherence tomography. Gastrointest Endosc 2014; 80:516-7. PubMed
  • Nalle SC, Kwak HA, Edelblum KL, Joseph NE, Singh G, Khramtsova GF, Mortenson ED, Savage PA, Turner JR. Recipient NK cell inactivation and intestinal barrier loss are required for MHC-matched graft-versus-host disease. Sci Transl Med 2014; 6:243ra87. PubMed
  • Rubin DT, Huo D, Kinnucan JA, Sedrak MS, McCullom NE, Bunnag AP, Raun-Royer EP, Cohen RD, Hanauer SB, Hart J, Turner JR. Inflammation is an independent risk factor for colonic neoplasia in patients with ulcerative colitis: a case-control study. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2013; 11:1601-8.e1-4. PubMed
  • Buschmann MM, Shen L, Rajapakse H, Raleigh DR, Wang Y, Wang Y, Lingaraju A, Zha J, Abbott E, McAuley EM, Breskin LA, Wu L, Anderson K, Turner JR, Weber CR. Occludin OCEL-domain interactions are required for maintenance and regulation of the tight junction barrier to macromolecular flux. Mol Biol Cell 2013; 24:3056-68. PubMed
  • Turner ES, Turner JR. Expanding the Lauren classification: a new gastric cancer subtype? Gastroenterology 2013; 145:505-8. PubMed
  • Su L, Nalle SC, Shen L, Turner ES, Singh G, Breskin LA, Khramtsova EA, Khramtsova G, Tsai PY, Fu YX, Abraham C, Turner JR. TNFR2 activates MLCK-dependent tight junction dysregulation to cause apoptosis-mediated barrier loss and experimental colitis. Gastroenterology 2013; 145:407-15. PubMed
  • Turner JR. Continuing attrition of physician-scientists (CAPS): a preventable syndrome? Gastroenterology 2012; 143:511-5.e1. PubMed
  • Raleigh DR, Boe DM, Yu D, Weber CR, Marchiando AM, Bradford EM, Wang Y, Wu L, Schneeberger EE, Shen L, Turner JR. Occludin S408 phosphorylation regulates tight junction protein interactions and barrier function. J Cell Biol 2011; 193:565-82. PubMed
  • Marchiando AM, Shen L, Graham WV, Edelblum KL, Duckworth CA, Guan Y, Montrose MH, Turner JR, Watson AJ. The epithelial barrier is maintained by in vivo tight junction expansion during pathologic intestinal epithelial shedding. Gastroenterology 2011; 140:1208-1218.e1-2. PubMed