Photo of Ross Berbeco,  PhD

Ross Berbeco, PhD

Brigham And Women's Hospital

Brigham And Women's Hospital
Phone: (617) 525-7136

Ross Berbeco, PhD

Brigham And Women's Hospital


  • Associate Professor, Radiation Oncology, Harvard Medical School
  • Director of Medical Physics Research, Radiation Oncology, Brigham And Women's Hospital
  • Director of Medical Physics Research, Radiation Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute


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  • Verry C, Dufort S, Villa J, Gavard M, Iriart C, Grand S, Charles J, Chovelon B, Cracowski JL, Quesada JL, Mendoza C, Sancey L, Lehmann A, Jover F, Giraud JY, Lux F, Crémillieux Y, McMahon S, Pauwels PJ, Cagney D, Berbeco R, Aizer A, Deutsch E, Loeffler M, Le Duc G, Tillement O, Balosso J. Theranostic AGuIX nanoparticles as radiosensitizer: A phase I, dose-escalation study in patients with multiple brain metastases (NANO-RAD trial). Radiother Oncol 2021; 160:159-165. PubMed
  • Valencia Lozano I, Shi M, Myronakis ME, Baturin P, Fueglistaller R, Huber P, Lehmann M, Morf D, Ferguson D, Jacobson MW, Harris TC, Berbeco RI, Williams CL. Frequency-dependent optimal weighting approach for megavoltage multilayer imagers. Phys Med Biol 2021. PubMed
  • Jacobson MW, Lehmann M, Huber P, Wang AS, Myronakis ME, Shi M, Ferguson D, Valencia Lozano I, Hu YH, Baturin P, Harris TC, Fueglistaller R, Williams C, Morf D, Berbeco R. Abbreviated on-treatment CBCT using roughness penalized mono-energization of kV-MV data and a multi-layer MV imager. Phys Med Biol 2021. PubMed
  • Virani N, Kwon J, Zhou H, Mason R, Berbeco R, Protti A. In vivo hypoxia characterization using blood oxygen level dependent magnetic resonance imaging in a preclinical glioblastoma mouse model. Magn Reson Imaging 2021; 76:52-60. PubMed
  • Keall PJ, Sawant A, Berbeco RI, Booth JT, Cho B, Cerviño LI, Cirino E, Dieterich S, Fast MF, Greer PB, Munck Af Rosenschöld P, Parikh PJ, Poulsen PR, Santanam L, Sherouse GW, Shi J, Stathakis S. AAPM Task Group 264: The Safe Clinical Implementation of MLC Tracking in Radiotherapy. Med Phys 2020. PubMed
  • Mueller R, Moreau M, Yasmin-Karim S, Protti A, Tillement O, Berbeco R, Hesser J, Ngwa W. Imaging and Characterization of Sustained Gadolinium Nanoparticle Release from Next Generation Radiotherapy Biomaterial. Nanomaterials (Basel) 2020. PubMed
  • Schuemann J, Bagley A, Berbeco R, Bromma K, Butterworth KT, Byrne H, Chithrani DB, Cho SH, Cook JR, Favaudon V, Gholami YH, Gargioni E, Hainfeld JF, Hespeels F, Heuskin AC, Ibeh UM, Kuncic Z, Kunjachan S, Lacombe S, Lucas S, Lux F, McMahon SJ, Nevozhay D, Ngwa W, Payne JD, Penninckx S, Porcel E, Prise KM, Rabus H, Ridwan SM, Rudek B, Sanche L, Singh B, Smilowitz HM, Sokolov KV, Sridhar S, Stanishevskiy Y, Sung W, Tillement O, Virani NA, Yantasee W, Krishnan S. Roadmap for metal nanoparticles in radiation therapy: current status, translational challenges, and future directions. Phys Med Biol 2020. PubMed
  • Shi M, Myronakis ME, Jacobson MW, Lehmann M, Ferguson D, Baturin P, Huber P, Fueglistaller R, Harris T, Valencia Lozano I, Williams C, Morf D, Berbeco RI. A rapid, accurate image simulation strategy for mega-voltage cone-beam computed tomography. Phys Med Biol 2020. PubMed
  • Kwon J, Rajamahendiran RM, Virani NA, Kunjachan S, Snay E, Harlacher M, Myronakis M, Shimizu S, Shirato H, Czernuszewicz TJ, Gessner R, Berbeco R. Use of 3-D Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound to Evaluate Tumor Microvasculature After Nanoparticle-Mediated Modulation. Ultrasound Med Biol 2020; 46:369-376. PubMed
  • Myronakis M, Huber P, Lehmann M, Fueglistaller R, Jacobson M, Hu YH, Baturin P, Wang A, Shi M, Harris T, Morf D, Berbeco R. Low-dose megavoltage cone-beam computed tomography using a novel multi-layer imager (MLI). Med Phys 2020. PubMed
  • Virani NA, Kelada OJ, Kunjachan S, Detappe A, Kwon J, Hayashi J, Vazquez-Pagan A, Biancur DE, Ireland T, Kumar R, Sridhar S, Makrigiorgos GM, Berbeco RI. Noninvasive imaging of tumor hypoxia after nanoparticle-mediated tumor vascular disruption. PLoS ONE 2020; 15:e0236245. PubMed
  • Shi M, Myronakis M, Jacobson M, Ferguson D, Williams C, Lehmann M, Baturin P, Huber P, Fueglistaller R, Lozano IV, Harris T, Morf D, Berbeco RI. GPU-accelerated Monte Carlo simulation of MV-CBCT. Phys Med Biol 2020; 65:235042. PubMed
  • Kunjachan S, Kotb S, Pola R, Pechar M, Kumar R, Singh B, Gremse F, Taleeli R, Trichard F, Motto-Ros V, Sancey L, Detappe A, Yasmin-Karim S, Protti A, Shanmugam I, Ireland T, Etrych T, Sridhar S, Tillement O, Makrigiorgos M, Berbeco RI. Selective Priming of Tumor Blood Vessels by Radiation Therapy Enhances Nanodrug Delivery. Sci Rep 2019; 9:15844. PubMed
  • Shi M, Myronakis ME, Hu YH, Jacobson MW, Lehmann M, Fueglistaller R, Huber P, Baturin P, Wang AS, Ferguson D, Harris T, Morf D, Berbeco RI. A novel method for fast image simulation of flat panel detectors. Phys Med Biol 2019. PubMed
  • Hu YH, Shedlock D, Wang A, Rottmann J, Baturin P, Myronakis M, Huber P, Fueglistaller R, Shi M, Morf D, Star-Lack J, Berbeco RI. Characterizing a novel scintillating glass for application to megavoltage cone-beam computed tomography. Med Phys 2018. PubMed
  • Hu YH, Jacobson MW, Shi M, Myronakis M, Wang A, Baturin P, Huber P, Fueglistaller R, Morf D, Star-Lack J, Berbeco RI. Feasibility of closed-MLC tracking using high sensitivity and multi-layer electronic portal imagers. Phys Med Biol 2018; 63:235030. PubMed
  • Lux F, Tran VL, Thomas E, Dufort S, Rossetti F, Martini M, Truillet C, Doussineau T, Bort G, Denat F, Boschetti F, Angelovski G, Detappe A, Crémillieux Y, Mignet N, Doan BT, Larrat B, Meriaux S, Barbier E, Roux S, Fries P, Müller A, Abadjian MC, Anderson C, Canet-Soulas E, Bouziotis P, Barberi-Heyob M, Frochot C, Verry C, Balosso J, Evans M, Sidi-Boumedine J, Janier M, Butterworth K, McMahon S, Prise K, Aloy MT, Ardail D, Rodriguez-Lafrasse C, Porcel E, Lacombe S, Berbeco R, Allouch A, Perfettini JL, Chargari C, Deutsch E, Le Duc G, Tillement O. AGuIX from bench to bedside-Transfer of an ultrasmall theranostic gadolinium-based nanoparticle to clinical medicine. Br J Radiol 2018. PubMed
  • Shi M, Myronakis M, Hu YH, Morf D, Rottmann J, Berbeco R. A Monte Carlo study of the impact of phosphor optical properties on EPID imaging performance. Phys Med Biol 2018; 63:165013. PubMed
  • Hu YH, Fueglistaller R, Myronakis M, Rottmann J, Wang A, Shedlock D, Morf D, Baturin P, Huber P, Star-Lack J, Berbeco R. Physics considerations in MV-CBCT multi-layer imager design. Phys Med Biol 2018; 63:125016. PubMed
  • Myronakis M, Hu YH, Fueglistaller R, Wang A, Baturin P, Huber P, Morf D, Star-Lack J, Berbeco R. Multi-layer imager design for mega-voltage spectral imaging. Phys Med Biol 2018; 63:105002. PubMed
  • Cho N, Tsiamas P, Velarde E, Tryggestad E, Jacques R, Berbeco R, McNutt T, Kazanzides P, Wong J. Validation of GPU-Accelerated Superposition-Convolution Dose Computations for the Small Animal Radiation Research Platform (SARRP). Med Phys 2018. PubMed
  • Hu YH, Rottmann J, Fueglistaller R, Myronakis ME, Wang A, Huber P, Shedlock D, Morf D, Baturin P, Star-Lack JM, Berbeco RI. Leveraging multi-layer imager detector design to improve low-dose performance for megavoltage cone-beam computed tomography. Phys Med Biol 2017. PubMed
  • Myronakis M, Fueglistaller R, Rottmann J, Hu YH, Wang A, Baturin P, Huber P, Morf D, Star-Lack J, Berbeco R. Spectral imaging using clinical megavoltage beams and a novel multi-layer imager. Phys Med Biol 2017; 62:9127-9139. PubMed
  • Hu YH, Myronakis M, Rottmann J, Wang A, Morf D, Shedlock D, Baturin P, Star-Lack J, Berbeco R. A novel method for quantification of beam's-eye-view tumor tracking performance. Med Phys 2017. PubMed
  • Yip SS, Rottmann J, Chen H, Morf D, Füglistaller R, Star-Lack J, Zentai G, Berbeco R. Technical Note: Combination of multiple EPID imager layers improves image quality and tracking performance of low contrast-to-noise objects. Med Phys 2017. PubMed
  • Myronakis M, Star-Lack J, Baturin P, Rottmann J, Morf D, Wang A, Hu YH, Shedlock D, Berbeco RI. A novel multilayer MV imager computational model for component optimization. Med Phys 2017. PubMed
  • Detappe A, Kunjachan S, Sancey L, Motto-Ros V, Biancur D, Drane P, Guieze R, Makrigiorgos GM, Tillement O, Langer R, Berbeco R. Advanced multimodal nanoparticles delay tumor progression with clinical radiation therapy. J Control Release 2016; 238:103-13. PubMed
  • Rottmann J, Morf D, Fueglistaller R, Zentai G, Star-Lack J, Berbeco R. A novel EPID design for enhanced contrast and detective quantum efficiency. Phys Med Biol 2016; 61:6297-306. PubMed
  • Cai W, Dhou S, Cifter F, Myronakis M, Hurwitz MH, Williams CL, Berbeco RI, Seco J, Lewis JH. 4D cone beam CT-based dose assessment for SBRT lung cancer treatment. Phys Med Biol 2016; 61:554-68. PubMed
  • Yip SS, Coroller TP, Sanford NN, Huynh E, Mamon H, Aerts HJ, Berbeco RI. Use of registration-based contour propagation in texture analysis for esophageal cancer pathologic response prediction. Phys Med Biol 2016; 61:906-22. PubMed
  • Kotb S, Detappe A, Lux F, Appaix F, Barbier EL, Tran VL, Plissonneau M, Gehan H, Lefranc F, Rodriguez-Lafrasse C, Verry C, Berbeco R, Tillement O, Sancey L. Gadolinium-Based Nanoparticles and Radiation Therapy for Multiple Brain Melanoma Metastases: Proof of Concept before Phase I Trial. Theranostics 2016; 6:418-27. PubMed
  • Yip SS, Coroller TP, Sanford NN, Mamon H, Aerts HJ, Berbeco RI. Relationship between the Temporal Changes in Positron-Emission-Tomography-Imaging-Based Textural Features and Pathologic Response and Survival in Esophageal Cancer Patients. 2016; 6:72. PubMed
  • Berbeco RI, Detappe A, Tsiamas P, Parsons D, Yewondwossen M, Robar J. Low Z target switching to increase tumor endothelial cell dose enhancement during gold nanoparticle-aided radiation therapy. Med Phys 2016; 43:436. PubMed
  • Schuemann J, Berbeco R, Chithrani DB, Cho SH, Kumar R, McMahon SJ, Sridhar S, Krishnan S. Roadmap to Clinical Use of Gold Nanoparticles for Radiation Sensitization. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2016; 94:189-205. PubMed
  • Yip SS, Rottmann J, Berbeco RI. Beam's-eye-view imaging during non-coplanar lung SBRT. Med Phys 2015; 42:6776. PubMed
  • Kunjachan S, Detappe A, Kumar R, Ireland T, Cameron L, Biancur DE, Motto-Ros V, Sancey L, Sridhar S, Makrigiorgos GM, Berbeco RI. Nanoparticle Mediated Tumor Vascular Disruption: A Novel Strategy in Radiation Therapy. Nano Lett 2015; 15:7488-96. PubMed
  • Chetty IJ, Martel MK, Jaffray DA, Benedict SH, Hahn SM, Berbeco R, Deye J, Jeraj R, Kavanagh B, Krishnan S, Lee N, Low DA, Mankoff D, Marks LB, Ollendorf D, Paganetti H, Ross B, Siochi RA, Timmerman RD, Wong JW. Technology for Innovation in Radiation Oncology. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2015; 93:485-92. PubMed
  • Cai W, Hurwitz MH, Williams CL, Dhou S, Berbeco RI, Seco J, Mishra P, Lewis JH. 3D delivered dose assessment using a 4DCT-based motion model. Med Phys 2015; 42:2897-907. PubMed
  • Altundal Y, Cifter G, Detappe A, Sajo E, Tsiamas P, Zygmanski P, Berbeco R, Cormack RA, Makrigiorgos M, Ngwa W. New potential for enhancing concomitant chemoradiotherapy with FDA approved concentrations of cisplatin via the photoelectric effect. 2015; 31:25-30. PubMed
  • Rottmann J, Berbeco R. Using an external surrogate for predictor model training in real-time motion management of lung tumors. Med Phys 2014; 41:121706. PubMed
  • Bryant JH, Rottmann J, Lewis JH, Mishra P, Keall PJ, Berbeco RI. Registration of clinical volumes to beams-eye-view images for real-time tracking. Med Phys 2014; 41:121703. PubMed
  • Luchette M, Korideck H, Makrigiorgos M, Tillement O, Berbeco R. Radiation dose enhancement of gadolinium-based AGuIX nanoparticles on HeLa cells. 2014. PubMed
  • Yip S, Chen AB, Aerts HJ, Berbeco R. Sensitivity study of voxel-based PET image comparison to image registration algorithms. Med Phys 2014; 41:111714. PubMed
  • Mishra P, Li R, Mak RH, Rottmann J, Bryant JH, Williams CL, Berbeco RI, Lewis JH. An initial study on the estimation of time-varying volumetric treatment images and 3D tumor localization from single MV cine EPID images. Med Phys 2014; 41:081713. PubMed
  • Yip S, Rottmann J, Berbeco R. The impact of cine EPID image acquisition frame rate on markerless soft-tissue tracking. Med Phys 2014; 41:061702. PubMed
  • Jensen C, Urribarri J, Cail D, Rottmann J, Mishra P, Lingos T, Niedermayr T, Berbeco R. Cine EPID evaluation of two non-commercial techniques for DIBH. Med Phys 2014; 41:021730. PubMed
  • Yip S, McCall K, Aristophanous M, Chen AB, Aerts HJ, Berbeco R. Comparison of texture features derived from static and respiratory-gated PET images in non-small cell lung cancer. PLoS ONE 2014; 9:e115510. PubMed
  • Herter-Sprie GS, Korideck H, Christensen CL, Herter JM, Rhee K, Berbeco RI, Bennett DG, Akbay EA, Kozono D, Mak RH, Mike Makrigiorgos G, Kimmelman AC, Wong KK. Image-guided radiotherapy platform using single nodule conditional lung cancer mouse models. Nat Commun 2014; 5:5870. PubMed
  • Rottmann J, Keall P, Berbeco R. Real-time soft tissue motion estimation for lung tumors during radiotherapy delivery. Med Phys 2013; 40:091713. PubMed
  • Kumar R, Korideck H, Ngwa W, Berbeco RI, Makrigiorgos GM, Sridhar S. Third generation gold nanoplatform optimized for radiation therapy. Transl Cancer Res 2013. PubMed
  • Williams CL, Mishra P, Seco J, St James S, Mak RH, Berbeco RI, Lewis JH. A mass-conserving 4D XCAT phantom for dose calculation and accumulation. Med Phys 2013; 40:071728. PubMed
  • Detappe A, Tsiamas P, Ngwa W, Zygmanski P, Makrigiorgos M, Berbeco R. The effect of flattening filter free delivery on endothelial dose enhancement with gold nanoparticles. Med Phys 2013; 40:031706. PubMed
  • Mishra P, Li R, James SS, Mak RH, Williams CL, Yue Y, Berbeco RI, Lewis JH. Evaluation of 3D fluoroscopic image generation from a single planar treatment image on patient data with a modified XCAT phantom. Phys Med Biol 2013; 58:841-58. PubMed
  • Tsiamas P, Liu B, Cifter F, Ngwa WF, Berbeco RI, Kappas C, Theodorou K, Marcus K, Makrigiorgos MG, Sajo E, Zygmanski P. Impact of beam quality on megavoltage radiotherapy treatment techniques utilizing gold nanoparticles for dose enhancement. Phys Med Biol 2013; 58:451-64. PubMed
  • Zygmanski P, Hoegele W, Tsiamas P, Cifter F, Ngwa W, Berbeco R, Makrigiorgos M, Sajo E. A stochastic model of cell survival for high-Z nanoparticle radiotherapy. Med Phys 2013; 40:024102. PubMed
  • Berbeco RI, Korideck H, Ngwa W, Kumar R, Patel J, Sridhar S, Johnson S, Price BD, Kimmelman A, Makrigiorgos GM. DNA damage enhancement from gold nanoparticles for clinical MV photon beams. Radiat Res 2012. PubMed
  • Ngwa W, Makrigiorgos GM, Berbeco RI. Gold nanoparticle enhancement of stereotactic radiosurgery for neovascular age-related macular degeneration. Phys Med Biol 2012; 57:6371-80. PubMed
  • Li R, Lewis JH, Berbeco RI, Xing L. Real-time tumor motion estimation using respiratory surrogate via memory-based learning. Phys Med Biol 2012; 57:4771-86. PubMed
  • Mishra P, St James S, Segars WP, Berbeco RI, Lewis JH. Adaptation and applications of a realistic digital phantom based on patient lung tumor trajectories. Phys Med Biol 2012; 57:3597-608. PubMed
  • Ren Q, Nishioka S, Shirato H, Berbeco R. Adaptive external gating based on the updating method of internal/external correlation and gating window before each beam delivery. Phys Med Biol 2012; 57:N145-57. PubMed
  • Ngwa W, Tsiamas P, Zygmanski P, Makrigiorgos GM, Berbeco RI. A multipurpose quality assurance phantom for the small animal radiation research platform (SARRP). Phys Med Biol 2012; 57:2575-86. PubMed
  • James SS, Mishra P, Hacker F, Berbeco RI, Lewis JH. Quantifying ITV instabilities arising from 4DCT: a simulation study using patient data. Phys Med Biol 2012; 57:L1-7. PubMed
  • Aristophanous M, Yong Y, Yap JT, Killoran JH, Allen AM, Berbeco RI, Chen AB. Evaluating FDG uptake changes between pre and post therapy respiratory gated PET scans. Radiother Oncol 2012; 102:377-82. PubMed
  • Ngwa W, Makrigiorgos GM, Berbeco RI. Gold nanoparticle-aided brachytherapy with vascular dose painting: estimation of dose enhancement to the tumor endothelial cell nucleus. Med Phys 2012; 39:392-8. PubMed
  • Aristophanous M, Berbeco RI, Killoran JH, Yap JT, Sher DJ, Allen AM, Larson E, Chen AB. Clinical utility of 4D FDG-PET/CT scans in radiation treatment planning. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2012. PubMed
  • Ngwa W, Korideck H, Chin LM, Makrigiorgos GM, Berbeco RI. MOSFET assessment of radiation dose delivered to mice using the Small Animal Radiation Research Platform (SARRP). Radiat Res 2011. PubMed
  • Glide-Hurst CK, Ionascu D, Berbeco R, Yan D. Coupling surface cameras with on-board fluoroscopy: a feasibility study. Med Phys 2011; 38:2937-47. PubMed
  • Yue Y, Aristophanous M, Rottmann J, Berbeco RI. 3-D fiducial motion tracking using limited MV projections in arc therapy. Med Phys 2011; 38:3222-31. PubMed
  • Killoran JH, Gerbaudo VH, Mamede M, Ionascu D, Park SJ, Berbeco R. Motion artifacts occurring at the lung/diaphragm interface using 4D CT attenuation correction of 4D PET scans. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2011; 12:3502. PubMed
  • Court L, Wagar M, Bogdanov M, Ionascu D, Schofield D, Allen A, Berbeco R, Lingos T. Use of reduced dose rate when treating moving tumors using dynamic IMRT. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2011; 12:3276. PubMed
  • Berbeco RI, Ngwa W, Makrigiorgos GM. Localized Dose Enhancement to Tumor Blood Vessel Endothelial Cells via Megavoltage X-rays and Targeted Gold Nanoparticles: New Potential for External Beam Radiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2010. PubMed
  • Ngwa W, Makrigiorgos GM, Berbeco RI. Applying gold nanoparticles as tumor-vascular disrupting agents during brachytherapy: estimation of endothelial dose enhancement. Phys Med Biol 2010; 55:6533-48. PubMed
  • Court LE, Seco J, Lu XQ, Ebe K, Mayo C, Ionascu D, Winey B, Giakoumakis N, Aristophanous M, Berbeco R, Rottman J, Bogdanov M, Schofield D, Lingos T. Use of a realistic breathing lung phantom to evaluate dose delivery errors. Med Phys 2010; 37:5850-7. PubMed
  • Aristophanous M, Yap JT, Killoran JH, Chen AB, Berbeco RI. Four-Dimensional Positron Emission Tomography: Implications for Dose Painting of High-Uptake Regions. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2010. PubMed
  • Aristophanous M, Rottmann J, Park SJ, Nishioka S, Shirato H, Berbeco RI. Image-guided adaptive gating of lung cancer radiotherapy: a computer simulation study. Phys Med Biol 2010; 55:4321-33. PubMed
  • Berbeco RI, Nishioka S, Shirato H. Evaluation of the need for simultaneous orthogonal gated setup imaging. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2010; 11:3203. PubMed
  • Court L, Wagar M, Berbeco R, Reisner A, Winey B, Schofield D, Ionascu D, Allen AM, Popple R, Lingos T. Evaluation of the interplay effect when using RapidArc to treat targets moving in the craniocaudal or right-left direction. Med Phys 2010; 37:4-11. PubMed
  • Park SJ, Ionascu D, Hacker F, Mamon H, Berbeco R. Automatic marker detection and 3D position reconstruction using cine EPID images for SBRT verification. Med Phys 2009; 36:4536-46. PubMed
  • Wu H, Zhao Q, Berbeco RI, Nishioka S, Shirato H, Jiang SB. Gating based on internal/external signals with dynamic correlation updates. Phys Med Biol 2008; 53:7137-50. PubMed
  • McMahon R, Berbeco R, Nishioka S, Ishikawa M, Papiez L. A real-time dynamic-MLC control algorithm for delivering IMRT to targets undergoing 2D rigid motion in the beam's eye view. Med Phys 2008; 35:3875-88. PubMed
  • Park SJ, Ionascu D, Killoran J, Mamede M, Gerbaudo VH, Chin L, Berbeco R. Evaluation of the combined effects of target size, respiratory motion and background activity on 3D and 4D PET/CT images. Phys Med Biol 2008; 53:3661-79. PubMed
  • Berbeco RI, Hacker F, Zatwarnicki C, Park SJ, Ionascu D, O'Farrell D, Mamon HJ. A novel method for estimating SBRT delivered dose with beam's-eye-view images. Med Phys 2008; 35:3225-31. PubMed
  • Ruan D, Fessler JA, Balter JM, Berbeco RI, Nishioka S, Shirato H. Inference of hysteretic respiratory tumor motion from external surrogates: a state augmentation approach. Phys Med Biol 2008; 53:2923-2936. PubMed
  • Court LE, Wagar M, Ionascu D, Berbeco R, Chin L. Management of the interplay effect when using dynamic MLC sequences to treat moving targets. Med Phys 2008; 35:1926-31. PubMed
  • Li J, Wang L, Mamon H, Kulke MH, Berbeco R, Makrigiorgos GM. Replacing PCR with COLD-PCR enriches variant DNA sequences and redefines the sensitivity of genetic testing. Nat Med 2008; 14:579-84. PubMed
  • Ren Q, Nishioka S, Shirato H, Berbeco RI. Adaptive prediction of respiratory motion for motion compensation radiotherapy. Phys Med Biol 2007; 52:6651-61. PubMed
  • Ionascu D, Jiang SB, Nishioka S, Shirato H, Berbeco RI. Internal-external correlation investigations of respiratory induced motion of lung tumors. Med Phys 2007; 34:3893-903. PubMed
  • Kanoulas E, Aslam JA, Sharp GC, Berbeco RI, Nishioka S, Shirato H, Jiang SB. Derivation of the tumor position from external respiratory surrogates with periodical updating of the internal/external correlation. Phys Med Biol 2007; 52:5443-56. PubMed
  • Berbeco RI, Hacker F, Ionascu D, Mamon HJ. Clinical feasibility of using an EPID in CINE mode for image-guided verification of stereotactic body radiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2007; 69:258-66. PubMed
  • Seppenwoolde Y, Berbeco RI, Nishioka S, Shirato H, Heijmen B. Accuracy of tumor motion compensation algorithm from a robotic respiratory tracking system: a simulation study. Med Phys 2007; 34:2774-84. PubMed
  • Li J, Berbeco R, Distel RJ, Jänne PA, Wang L, Makrigiorgos GM. s-RT-MELT for rapid mutation scanning using enzymatic selection and real time DNA-melting: new potential for multiplex genetic analysis. Nucleic Acids Res 2007; 35:e84. PubMed
  • Berbeco RI, Nishioka S, Shirato H, Jiang SB. Residual motion of lung tumors in end-of-inhale respiratory gated radiotherapy based on external surrogates. Med Phys 2006; 33:4149-56. PubMed
  • Berbeco RI, Pope CJ, Jiang SB. Measurement of the interplay effect in lung IMRT treatment using EDR2 films. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2006; 7:33-42. PubMed
  • Jiang SB, Sharp GC, Neicu T, Berbeco RI, Flampouri S, Bortfeld T. On dose distribution comparison. Phys Med Biol 2006; 51:759-76. PubMed
  • Neicu T, Berbeco R, Wolfgang J, Jiang SB. Synchronized moving aperture radiation therapy (SMART): improvement of breathing pattern reproducibility using respiratory coaching. Phys Med Biol 2006; 51:617-36. PubMed
  • Detappe A, Kunjachan S, Rottmann J, Robar J, Tsiamas P, Korideck H, Tillement O, Berbeco R. AGuIX nanoparticles as a promising platform for image-guided radiation therapy. Cancer Nanotechnol ; 6:4. PubMed
  • Detappe A, Kunjachan S, Drané P, Kotb S, Myronakis M, Biancur DE, Ireland T, Wagar M, Lux F, Tillement O, Berbeco R. Key clinical beam parameters for nanoparticle-mediated radiation dose amplification. Sci Rep ; 6:34040. PubMed