Research Abstract
My research is focused on the better understanding of early stage lung cancer in terms of its biologic fingerprint as well as clinical behavior. I am overseeing the development of a comprehensive database that will link clinical variables with pathologic and biologic markers within the specific tumor of interest. Associated with this and on the national front, I was the Chair of the Thoracic Surgery Sub-Committee for CALGB prior to its integration with Alliance, an NCI-sponsored National Comprehensive Cancer Cooperative Group. in this role, I oversaw thoracic surgery protocols. Additionally, I serve on advisory boards to further the education, training, and advancement of minimally invasive thoracic surgery. I direct 4-6 courses per year that are given nationally to help advance the knowledge of this field.
I focus my clinical attention on the treatment of thoracic malignancies and in particular I apply minimally invasive and newer technologies to optimize treatment. I took on the leadership of the Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery program while continuing to advance the education and implementation of operations such as minimally invasive thoracoscopic lobectomy through national courses, the editing of The Atlas of Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery, and directing AATS focus courses on thoracic surgery; the most recent course was in Chengdu in November 2019.
My research integrates clinical data with the tumor pathology to better define prognostic variables. This should permit better treatment options for patients with lung cancer. I focus a significant amount of his clinical activity in further developing minimally invasive thoracic surgery both in terms of its breadth and depth at the hospital as well as spending approximately 30 hours per week teaching the residents and fellows on the service