Research Abstract
I am a GI medical oncologist and clinical investigator with clinical focus in gastroesophageal cancers. My goal is to provide patients suffering from advanced cancers with novel, effective therapeutic options that will extend survival and improve quality of life. My research focus is in early phase clinical trials for which I completed an advanced fellowship in Investigational Cancer Therapeutics at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. I have then served as the Co-Director of Developmental Therapeutics Program at Siteman Cancer Center/ Washington University School of Medicine while serving as the AO-PI of the UM1 grant to support Experimental Therapeutics Clinical Trial Network (ETCTN) under Yale LAO. I have served on the institutional Protocol Review Monitoring Committee for scientific prioritization of clinical trials and the Data Safety Monitoring Board. I am currently serving as a member of NCI Esophagogastric Task Force.
I have subsequently joined Dana Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) as a member of Gastrointestinal Cancer Center and Center for Cancer Therapeutic Innovations. In my current position, I lead the early phase, translational clinical trial development efforts with focus in gastrointestinal cancers. In addition, I actively participate in development of gastroesophageal cancer clinical research program in both early and late phases. During and since training I have been actively involved in developing, enrolling for, and analyzing several clinical trials. These include both ETCTN and National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN)-supported trials or industry-sponsored as well as institutionally funded clinical trials.