Photo of Patricia A. D'Amore,  PhD, MBA, FARVO

Patricia A. D'Amore, PhD, MBA, FARVO

Harvard Medical School

Harvard Medical School
Phone: (617) 912-2559
Fax: (617) 912-0128

Patricia A. D'Amore, PhD, MBA, FARVO

Harvard Medical School


  • Charles L. Schepens Professor of Ophthalmology, Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School
  • Professor, Pathology, Harvard Medical School
  • Director of Research, Ankeny Scholar of Retinal Molecular Biology, Ophthalmology, Schepens Eye Research Institute
  • Director, Howe Laboratory, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
  • Associate Chief of Basic and Translational Research, Ophthalmology, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
  • Vice-Chair for Basic Research and Translational Research, Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School
  • Co-Director, AMD Center of Excellence, Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School



  • Member, Center Scientific Council

Research Abstract

The D’Amore laboratory has a long-standing interest in the regulation of vascular development and pathology. One major area has involved investigating the role and regulation of VEGF in adult vascular and non-vascular cells. More recently, her laboratory has been examining the regulation of inflammation at the level of the vasculature. The laboratory is currently focused in three general areas. Two of those relate to understanding the molecular basis of blood vessel stabilization. One project is examining the role of Notch signaling in the stabilization of the microvasculature. A related project is aimed at elucidating other mechanisms that may mediate pericyte stabilization of the capillaries. Studies in both research areas are utilizing genetic model as well as tissues culture systems. A second project is examining a novel endothelial-specific molecule endomucin in the regulation of leukocyte-endothelial interactions, a central and early step in the inflammatory process.

Publications from Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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  • Hu Z, Cano I, Saez-Torres KL, LeBlanc ME, Saint-Geniez M, Ng YS, Argüeso P, D'Amore PA. Elements of the Endomucin Extracellular Domain Essential for VEGF-Induced VEGFR2 Activity. Cells 2020. PubMed
  • LeBlanc ME, Saez-Torres KL, Cano I, Hu Z, Saint-Geniez M, Ng YS, D'Amore PA. Glycocalyx regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 activity. FASEB J. 2019. PubMed
  • Park-Windhol C, Ng YS, Yang J, Primo V, Saint-Geniez M, D'Amore PA. Endomucin inhibits VEGF-induced endothelial cell migration, growth, and morphogenesis by modulating VEGFR2 signaling. Sci Rep 2017; 7:17138. PubMed
  • Zhou G, Duan Y, Ma G, Wu W, Hu Z, Chen N, Chee Y, Cui J, Samad A, Matsubara JA, Mukai S, D'Amore PA, Lei H. Introduction of the MDM2 T309G Mutation in Primary Human Retinal Epithelial Cells Enhances Experimental Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2017; 58:5361-5367. PubMed
  • Huang X, Zhou G, Wu W, Ma G, D'Amore PA, Mukai S, Lei H. Editing VEGFR2 Blocks VEGF-Induced Activation of Akt and Tube Formation. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2017; 58:1228-1236. PubMed
  • Wong LL, Lee NG, Amarnani D, Choi CJ, Bielenberg DR, Freitag SK, D'Amore PA, Kim LA. Orbital Angiogenesis and Lymphangiogenesis in Thyroid Eye Disease: An Analysis of Vascular Growth Factors with Clinical Correlation. Ophthalmology 2016; 123:2028-36. PubMed
  • Ma G, Duan Y, Huang X, Qian CX, Chee Y, Mukai S, Cui J, Samad A, Matsubara JA, Kazlauskas A, D'Amore PA, Gu S, Lei H. Prevention of Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy by Suppression of Phosphatidylinositol 5-Phosphate 4-Kinases. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2016; 57:3935-43. PubMed
  • Duan Y, Ma G, Huang X, D'Amore PA, Zhang F, Lei H. The CRISPR/Cas9-created MDM2 T309G enhances vitreous-induced expression of MDM2 and proliferation and survival of cells. J Biol Chem 2016. PubMed
  • Shahrabi-Farahani S, Gallottini M, Martins F, Li E, Mudge DR, Nakayama H, Hida K, Panigrahy D, D'Amore PA, Bielenberg DR. Neuropilin 1 Receptor Is Up-Regulated in Dysplastic Epithelium and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Am J Pathol 2016; 186:1055-64. PubMed
  • Zahr A, Alcaide P, Yang J, Jones A, Gregory M, Dela Paz NG, Patel-Hett S, Nevers T, Koirala A, Luscinskas FW, Saint-Geniez M, Ksander B, D'Amore PA, Argüeso P. Endomucin prevents leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion and has a critical role under resting and inflammatory conditions. Nat Commun 2016; 7:10363. PubMed
  • Arboleda-Velasquez JF, Primo V, Graham M, James A, Manent J, D'Amore PA. Notch signaling functions in retinal pericyte survival. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2014; 55:5191-9. PubMed
  • Kim LA, Amarnani D, Gnanaguru G, Tseng WA, Vavvas DG, D'Amore PA. Tamoxifen toxicity in cultured retinal pigment epithelial cells is mediated by concurrent regulated cell death mechanisms. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2014; 55:4747-58. PubMed
  • Panigrahy D, Adini I, Mamluk R, Levonyak N, Bruns CJ, D'Amore PA, Klagsbrun M, Bielenberg DR. Regulation of soluble neuropilin 1, an endogenous angiogenesis inhibitor, in liver development and regeneration. Pathology 2014; 46:416-23. PubMed
  • Shahrabi-Farahani S, Wang L, Zwaans BM, Santana JM, Shimizu A, Takashima S, Kreuter M, Coultas L, D'Amore PA, Arbeit JM, Akslen LA, Bielenberg DR. Neuropilin 1 expression correlates with differentiation status of epidermal cells and cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas. Lab Invest 2014. PubMed
  • Walshe TE, dela Paz NG, D'Amore PA. The role of shear-induced transforming growth factor-β signaling in the endothelium. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2013; 33:2608-17. PubMed
  • Panigrahy D, Kalish BT, Huang S, Bielenberg DR, Le HD, Yang J, Edin ML, Lee CR, Benny O, Mudge DK, Butterfield CE, Mammoto A, Mammoto T, Inceoglu B, Jenkins RL, Simpson MA, Akino T, Lih FB, Tomer KB, Ingber DE, Hammock BD, Falck JR, Manthati VL, Kaipainen A, D'Amore PA, Puder M, Zeldin DC, Kieran MW. Epoxyeicosanoids promote organ and tissue regeneration. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013; 110:13528-33. PubMed
  • Bagchi M, Kim LA, Boucher J, Walshe TE, Kahn CR, D'Amore PA. Vascular endothelial growth factor is important for brown adipose tissue development and maintenance. FASEB J. 2013; 27:3257-71. PubMed
  • Bielenberg DR, D'Amore PA. All vessels are not created equal. Am J Pathol 2013; 182:1087-91. PubMed
  • Jia D, Hasso SM, Chan J, Filingeri D, D'Amore PA, Rice L, Pampo C, Siemann DW, Zurakowski D, Rodig SJ, Moses MA. Transcriptional repression of VEGF by ZNF24: mechanistic studies and vascular consequences in vivo. Blood 2013; 121:707-15. PubMed
  • Kim LA, D'Amore PA. A brief history of anti-VEGF for the treatment of ocular angiogenesis. Am J Pathol 2012; 181:376-9. PubMed
  • dela Paz NG, Walshe TE, Leach LL, Saint-Geniez M, D'Amore PA. Role of shear-stress-induced VEGF expression in endothelial cell survival. J Cell Sci 2012; 125:831-43. PubMed
  • Panigrahy D, Edin ML, Lee CR, Huang S, Bielenberg DR, Butterfield CE, Barnés CM, Mammoto A, Mammoto T, Luria A, Benny O, Chaponis DM, Dudley AC, Greene ER, Vergilio JA, Pietramaggiori G, Scherer-Pietramaggiori SS, Short SM, Seth M, Lih FB, Tomer KB, Yang J, Schwendener RA, Hammock BD, Falck JR, Manthati VL, Ingber DE, Kaipainen A, D'Amore PA, Kieran MW, Zeldin DC. Epoxyeicosanoids stimulate multiorgan metastasis and tumor dormancy escape in mice. J Clin Invest 2012; 122:178-91. PubMed
  • Cao Y, Arbiser J, D'Amato RJ, D'Amore PA, Ingber DE, Kerbel R, Klagsbrun M, Lim S, Moses MA, Zetter B, Dvorak H, Langer R. Forty-year journey of angiogenesis translational research. Sci Transl Med 2011; 3:114rv3. PubMed
  • Patel-Hett S, D'Amore PA. Signal transduction in vasculogenesis and developmental angiogenesis. Int J Dev Biol 2011; 55:353-63. PubMed
  • Bryan BA, Dennstedt E, Mitchell DC, Walshe TE, Noma K, Loureiro R, Saint-Geniez M, Campaigniac JP, Liao JK, D'Amore PA. RhoA/ROCK signaling is essential for multiple aspects of VEGF-mediated angiogenesis. FASEB J 2010; 24:3186-95. PubMed
  • D'Amore PA. Editorial. Microvasc Res 2010; 79:161. PubMed
  • Fukumoto A, Maruyama K, Walsh T, Kajiya K, Hamuro J, D'Amore PA, Kinoshita S. Intracellular Thiol Redox Status Regulates Lymphatic Vessel Growth in the Cornea and Dictates Corneal Limbal Graft Survival. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2010; 51:2450-8. PubMed
  • Saint-Geniez M, Kurihara T, Sekiyama E, Maldonado AE, D'Amore PA. An essential role for RPE-derived soluble VEGF in the maintenance of the choriocapillaris. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2009; 106:18751-6. PubMed
  • Walshe TE,Dole VS,Maharaj AS,Patten IS,Wagner DD,D'Amore PA. Inhibition of VEGF or TGF-{beta} Signaling Activates Endothelium and Increases Leukocyte Rolling. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2009; 29:1185-92. PubMed
  • dela Paz NG,D'Amore PA. Arterial versus venous endothelial cells. Cell Tissue Res 2009; 335:5-16. PubMed
  • Walshe TE,Saint-Geniez M,Maharaj AS,Sekiyama E,Maldonado AE,D'Amore PA. TGF-beta is required for vascular barrier function, endothelial survival and homeostasis of the adult microvasculature. PLoS ONE 2009; 4:e5149. PubMed
  • Chao W, D'Amore PA. IGF2: Epigenetic regulation and role in development and disease. Cytokine Growth Factor Rev 2008; 19:111-20. PubMed
  • Fernando NT, Koch M, Rothrock C, Gollogly LK, D'Amore PA, Ryeom S, Yoon SS. Tumor escape from endogenous, extracellular matrix-associated angiogenesis inhibitors by up-regulation of multiple proangiogenic factors. Clin Cancer Res 2008; 14:1529-39. PubMed
  • Bryan BA, Walshe TE, Mitchell DC, Havumaki JS, Saint-Geniez M, Maharaj AS, Maldonado AE, D'Amore PA. Coordinated Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Expression and Signaling During Skeletal Myogenic Differentiation. Mol Biol Cell 2008; 19:994-1006. PubMed
  • Maharaj AS, Walshe TE, Saint-Geniez M, Venkatesha S, Maldonado AE, Himes NC, Matharu KS, Karumanchi SA, D'Amore PA. VEGF and TGF-{beta} are required for the maintenance of the choroid plexus and ependyma. J Exp Med 2008; 205:491-501. PubMed
  • Walshe TE, D'Amore PA. The Role of Hypoxia in Vascular Injury and Repair. Annu Rev Pathol 2008; 3:615-43. PubMed
  • Saint-Geniez M,Maharaj AS,Walshe TE,Tucker BA,Sekiyama E,Kurihara T,Darland DC,Young MJ,D'Amore PA. Endogenous VEGF is required for visual function: evidence for a survival role on muller cells and photoreceptors. PLoS ONE 2008; 3:e3554. PubMed
  • Harper J, Yan L, Loureiro RM, Wu I, Fang J, D'Amore PA, Moses MA. Repression of vascular endothelial growth factor expression by the zinc finger transcription factor ZNF24. Cancer Res 2007; 67:8736-41. PubMed
  • Bryan BA, D'Amore PA. What tangled webs they weave: Rho-GTPase control of angiogenesis. Cell Mol Life Sci 2007; 64:2053-65. PubMed
  • D'Amore PA. Vascular endothelial cell growth factor-a: not just for endothelial cells anymore. Am J Pathol 2007; 171:14-8. PubMed
  • D'Amore PA. Vascular Endothelial Cell Growth Factor-A. Not Just for Endothelial Cells Anymore. Am J Pathol 2007. PubMed
  • Ramsauer M, D'Amore PA. Contextual role for angiopoietins and TGFbeta1 in blood vessel stabilization. J Cell Sci 2007; 120:1810-7. PubMed
  • Maruyama K, Asai J, Ii M, Thorne T, Losordo DW, D'Amore PA. Decreased macrophage number and activation lead to reduced lymphatic vessel formation and contribute to impaired diabetic wound healing. Am J Pathol 2007; 170:1178-91. PubMed
  • Goodwin AM, Kitajewski J, D'Amore PA. Wnt1 and Wnt5a affect endothelial proliferation and capillary length; Wnt2 does not. Growth Factors 2007; 25:25-32. PubMed
  • Goodwin AM, Sullivan KM, D'Amore PA. Cultured endothelial cells display endogenous activation of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway and express multiple ligands, receptors, and secreted modulators of Wnt signaling. Dev Dyn 2006; 235:3110-20. PubMed
  • Banerjee S, Sengupta K, Dhar K, Mehta S, D'Amore PA, Dhar G, Banerjee SK. Breast cancer cells secreted platelet-derived growth factor-induced motility of vascular smooth muscle cells is mediated through neuropilin-1. Mol Carcinog 2006; 45:871-80. PubMed
  • Saint-Geniez M, Maldonado AE, D'Amore PA. VEGF expression and receptor activation in the choroid during development and in the adult. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2006; 47:3135-42. PubMed
  • Venkatesha S, Toporsian M, Lam C, Hanai J, Mammoto T, Kim YM, Bdolah Y, Lim KH, Yuan HT, Libermann TA, Stillman IE, Roberts D, D'Amore PA, Epstein FH, Sellke FW, Romero R, Sukhatme VP, Letarte M, Karumanchi SA. Soluble endoglin contributes to the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. Nat Med 2006; 12:642-9. PubMed
  • Maharaj AS, Saint-Geniez M, Maldonado AE, D'Amore PA. Vascular endothelial growth factor localization in the adult. Am J Pathol 2006; 168:639-48. PubMed
  • Nieves BJ,D'Amore PA,Bryan BA. The function of vascular endothelial growth factor. Biofactors ; 35:332-7. PubMed
  • Maharaj AS, D'Amore PA. Roles for VEGF in the adult. Microvasc Res ; 74:100-13. PubMed