Lawrence Zukerberg, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital
Massachusetts General Hospital
Phone: (617) 726-2967
Fax: (617) 726-7474
Lawrence Zukerberg, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital
- Rickelt S, Neyaz A, Condon C, Whittaker CA, Zaidi AH, Taylor MS, Abbruzzese G, Mattia AR, Zukerberg L, Shroff SG, Yilmaz OH, Yılmaz O, Wu EY, Choi WT, Jobe BA, Odze RD, Patil DT, Deshpande V, Hynes RO. Agrin loss in Barrett's esophagus-related neoplasia and its utility as a diagnostic and predictive biomarker. Clin Cancer Res 2021. PubMed
- Massoth LR, Hung YP, Ferry JA, Hasserjian RP, Nardi V, Nielsen GP, Sadigh S, Venkataraman V, Selig M, Friedmann AM, Samore W, Killian JK, Milante R, Giessinger J, Foley-Peres K, Marcus C, Severson E, Duncan D, Sivakumar S, Ross JS, Desphande V, Ramkissoon SH, Vergilio JA, Louissaint A, Zukerberg LR, Williams EA. Histiocytic and Dendritic Cell Sarcomas of Hematopoietic Origin Share Targetable Genomic Alterations Distinct from Follicular Dendritic Cell Sarcoma. Oncologist 2021. PubMed
- Li DK, Haffar S, Horibe M, Homsi HA, Zukerberg L, Murad MH, Visrodia KH, Gala M, Katzka DA, Bazerbachi F. Verrucous esophageal carcinoma is a unique indolent subtype of squamous cell carcinoma: a systematic review and individual patient regression analysis. J Gastroenterol 2021; 56:12-24. PubMed
- Shih AR, Zukerberg L. Advances and Annoyances in Anus Pathology. 2020; 13:557-566. PubMed
- Bledsoe JR, Ferry JA, Neyaz A, Boiocchi L, Strock C, Dresser K, Zukerberg L, Deshpande V. IgG4-related Lymphadenopathy: A Comparative Study of 41 Cases Reveals Distinctive Histopathologic Features. Am J Surg Pathol 2020. PubMed
- Massoth LR, Hung YP, Nardi V, Nielsen GP, Hasserjian RP, Louissaint A, Fisch AS, Deshpande V, Zukerberg LR, Lennerz JK, Selig M, Glomski K, Patel PJ, Williams KJ, Sokol ES, Alexander BM, Vergilio JA, Ross JS, Pavlick DC, Chebib I, Williams EA. Pan-sarcoma genomic analysis of KMT2A rearrangements reveals distinct subtypes defined by YAP1-KMT2A-YAP1 and VIM-KMT2A fusions. Mod Pathol 2020. PubMed
- Massoth LR, Hung YP, Dias-Santagata D, Onozato M, Shah N, Severson E, Duncan D, Gillespie BJ, Williams NF, Ross JS, Vergilio JA, Harkins SK, Glomski K, Nardi V, Zukerberg LR, Hasserjian RP, Louissaint A, Williams EA. Pan-Cancer Landscape Analysis Reveals Recurrent - Gene Fusion in Aggressive Histologic Subtypes of Thymoma. JCO Precis Oncol 2020. PubMed
- Hynes RO, Rickelt S, Condon C, Mana M, Whittaker C, Pfirschke C, Roper J, Patil DT, Brown I, Mattia AR, Zukerberg L, Zhao Q, Chetty R, Lauwers GY, Neyaz A, Leijssen LGJ, Boylan K, Yilmaz OH, Deshpande V. Agrin in the Muscularis Mucosa Serves as a Biomarker Distinguishing Hyperplastic Polyps from Sessile Serrated Lesions. Clin Cancer Res 2019. PubMed
- Adar T, Friedman M, Rodgers LH, Shannon KM, Zukerberg LR, Chung DC. Gastric cancer in Lynch syndrome is associated with underlying immune gastritis. J Med Genet 2019. PubMed
- Xia D, Morgan EA, Berger D, Pinkus GS, Ferry JA, Zukerberg LR. NK-Cell Enteropathy and Similar Indolent Lymphoproliferative Disorders: A Case Series With Literature Review. Am J Clin Pathol 2018. PubMed
- Roper J, Tammela T, Cetinbas NM, Akkad A, Roghanian A, Rickelt S, Almeqdadi M, Wu K, Oberli MA, Sánchez-Rivera F, Park YK, Liang X, Eng G, Taylor MS, Azimi R, Kedrin D, Neupane R, Beyaz S, Sicinska ET, Suarez Y, Yoo J, Chen L, Zukerberg L, Katajisto P, Deshpande V, Bass AJ, Tsichlis PN, Lees J, Langer R, Hynes RO, Chen J, Bhutkar A, Jacks T, Yilmaz ÖH. In vivo genome editing and organoid transplantation models of colorectal cancer and metastasis. Nat Biotechnol 2017; 35:569-576. PubMed
- Bledsoe JR, Redd RA, Hasserjian RP, Soumerai JD, Nishino HT, Boyer DF, Ferry JA, Zukerberg LR, Harris NL, Abramson JS, Sohani AR. The immunophenotypic spectrum of primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma reveals prognostic biomarkers associated with outcome. Am J Hematol 2016; 91:E436-41. PubMed
- McKelvie PA, Climent F, Krings G, Hasserjian RP, Abramson JS, Pilch BZ, Harris NL, Ferry JA, Zukerberg LR, Sohani AR. Small-cell predominant extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type: Clinicopathologic analysis of a series of cases diagnosed in a Western population. Histopathology 2016. PubMed
- Tse JY, Chan MP, Zukerberg LR, Nazarian RM. Assessment of Melanocyte Density in Anorectal Mucosa for the Evaluation of Surgical Margins in Primary Anorectal Melanoma. Am J Clin Pathol 2016; 145:626-34. PubMed
- Roussel-Gervais A, Couture C, Langlais D, Takayasu S, Balsalobre A, Rueda BR, Zukerberg LR, Figarella-Branger D, Brue T, Drouin J. The Cables1 Gene in Glucocorticoid Regulation of Pituitary Corticotrope Growth and Cushing Disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2016; 101:513-22. PubMed
- Guan Y, Guo L, Zukerberg L, Rueda BR, Styer AK. MicroRNA-15b regulates reversion-inducing cysteine-rich protein with Kazal motifs (RECK) expression in human uterine leiomyoma. Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol. 2016; 14:45. PubMed
- Arora K, Chebib I, Zukerberg L, Gandhi M, Rivera M, Ting D, Deshpande V. Branched-chain in situ hybridization for κ and λ light chains: A powerful ancillary technique for determining B-cell clonality in cytology samples. Cancer Cytopathol 2015. PubMed
- Fidias PM, Long AA, Fintelmann FJ, Zukerberg LR. CASE RECORDS of the MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL. Case 31-2015. A 29-Year-Old Man with Thymoma, Diarrhea, and Weight Loss. N Engl J Med 2015; 373:1458-67. PubMed
- Courville EL, Sohani AR, Hasserjian RP, Zukerberg LR, Harris NL, Ferry JA. Diverse clinicopathologic features in human herpesvirus 8-associated lymphomas lead to diagnostic problems. Am J Clin Pathol 2014; 142:816-29. PubMed
- Clark RM, Lynch MP, Kolp R, Zukerberg LR, Growdon WB, Rueda BR. The N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor, a precursor to N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis, is found in the squamous tissue of ovarian teratomas. Int J Gynecol Pathol 2014; 33:598-606. PubMed
- Ma T, Jang EJ, Zukerberg LR, Odze R, Gala MK, Kelsey PB, Forcione DG, Brugge WR, Casey BW, Syngal S, Chung DC. Recurrences are common after endoscopic ampullectomy for adenoma in the familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) syndrome. Surg Endosc 2014. PubMed
- Wang L, Gala M, Yamamoto M, Pino MS, Kikuchi H, Shue DS, Shirasawa S, Austin TR, Lynch MP, Rueda BR, Zukerberg LR, Chung DC. Adrenomedullin is a therapeutic target in colorectal cancer. Int J Cancer 2014; 134:2041-50. PubMed
- Bradford LS, Rauh-Hain A, Clark RM, Groeneweg JW, Zhang L, Borger D, Zukerberg LR, Growdon WB, Foster R, Rueda BR. Assessing the efficacy of targeting the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway in endometrial cancer. Gynecol Oncol 2014; 133:346-52. PubMed
- Patel SA, Chen YH, Hornick JL, Catalano P, Nowak JA, Zukerberg LR, Bleday R, Shellito PC, Hong TS, Mamon HJ. Early-stage rectal cancer: clinical and pathologic prognostic markers of time to local recurrence and overall survival after resection. Dis Colon Rectum 2014; 57:449-59. PubMed
- Nazarian RM, Primiani A, Doyle LA, Linskey KR, Duncan LM, Odze RD, Zukerberg LR. Cytokeratin 17: an adjunctive marker of invasion in squamous neoplastic lesions of the anus. Am J Surg Pathol 2014; 38:78-85. PubMed
- Thilly WG, Gostjeva EV, Koledova VV, Zukerberg LR, Chung D, Fomina JN, Darroudi F, Stollar BD. Metakaryotic stem cell nuclei use pangenomic dsRNA/DNA intermediates in genome replication and segregation. Organogenesis 2014; 10:44-52. PubMed
- Thiagarajah JR, Yildiz H, Carlson T, Thomas AR, Steiger C, Pieretti A, Zukerberg LR, Carrier RL, Goldstein AM. Altered goblet cell differentiation and surface mucus properties in Hirschsprung disease. PLoS ONE 2014; 9:e99944. PubMed
- Linskey KR, Gimbel DC, Zukerberg LR, Duncan LM, Sadow PM, Nazarian RM. BerEp4, cytokeratin 14, and cytokeratin 17 immunohistochemical staining aid in differentiation of basaloid squamous cell carcinoma from basal cell carcinoma with squamous metaplasia. Arch Pathol Lab Med 2013; 137:1591-8. PubMed
- Arnason T, Pino MS, Yilmaz O, Kirley SD, Rueda BR, Chung DC, Zukerberg LR. Cables1 is a tumor suppressor gene that regulates intestinal tumor progression in Apc(Min) mice. Cancer Biol Ther 2013; 14:672-8. PubMed
- Giallourakis CC, Benita Y, Molinie B, Cao Z, Despo O, Pratt HE, Zukerberg LR, Daly MJ, Rioux JD, Xavier RJ. Genome-wide analysis of immune system genes by expressed sequence Tag profiling. J Immunol 2013. PubMed
- Simmons LH, Guimaraes AR, Zukerberg LR. Case records of the Massachusetts General Hospital. Case 6-2013. A 54-year-old man with recurrent diarrhea. N Engl J Med 2013; 368:757-65. PubMed
- Louissaint A, Ackerman AM, Dias-Santagata D, Ferry JA, Hochberg EP, Huang MS, Iafrate AJ, Lara DO, Pinkus GS, Salaverria I, Siddiquee Z, Siebert R, Weinstein HJ, Zukerberg LR, Harris NL, Hasserjian RP. Pediatric-type nodal follicular lymphoma: an indolent clonal proliferation in children and adults with high proliferation index and no BCL2 rearrangement. Blood 2012; 120:2395-404. PubMed
- Louissaint A, Ferry JA, Soupir CP, Hasserjian RP, Harris NL, Zukerberg LR. Infectious mononucleosis mimicking lymphoma: distinguishing morphological and immunophenotypic features. Mod Pathol 2012; 25:1149-59. PubMed
- Yilmaz ÖH, Katajisto P, Lamming DW, Gültekin Y, Bauer-Rowe KE, Sengupta S, Birsoy K, Dursun A, Yilmaz VO, Selig M, Nielsen GP, Mino-Kenudson M, Zukerberg LR, Bhan AK, Deshpande V, Sabatini DM. mTORC1 in the Paneth cell niche couples intestinal stem-cell function to calorie intake. Nature 2012; 486:490-5. PubMed
- Farris AB, Demicco EG, Le LP, Finberg KE, Miller J, Mandal R, Fukuoka J, Cohen C, Gaissert HA, Zukerberg LR, Lauwers GY, Iafrate AJ, Mino-Kenudson M. Clinicopathologic and molecular profiles of microsatellite unstable Barrett Esophagus-associated adenocarcinoma. Am J Surg Pathol 2011. PubMed
- Cusack JC, Clark JW, Curley SA, Sahani DV, Zukerberg LR. Case records of the Massachusetts General Hospital: Case 3-2011: a 58-year-old woman with a mass in the liver. N Engl J Med 2011; 364:362-70. PubMed
- Groeneweg JW, White YA, Kokel D, Peterson RT, Zukerberg LR, Berin I, Rueda BR, Wood AW. cables1 is required for embryonic neural development: molecular, cellular, and behavioral evidence from the zebrafish. 2011; 78:22-32. PubMed
- Groeneweg JW, White YA, Kokel D, Peterson RT, Zukerberg LR, Berin I, Rueda BR, Wood AW. cables1 is required for embryonic neural development: molecular, cellular, and behavioral evidence from the zebrafish. 2010. PubMed
- Pino MS, Kikuchi H, Zeng M, Herraiz MT, Sperduti I, Berger D, Park DY, Iafrate AJ, Zukerberg LR, Chung DC. Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition Is Impaired in Colon Cancer Cells With Microsatellite Instability. Gastroenterology 2010; 138:1406-17. PubMed
- Snuderl M, Kolman OK, Chen YB, Hsu JJ, Ackerman AM, Cin PD, Ferry JA, Harris NL, Hasserjian RP, Zukerberg LR, Abramson JS, Hochberg EP, Lee H, Lee AI, Toomey CE, Sohani AR. B-cell lymphomas with concurrent IGH-BCL2 and MYC rearrangements are aggressive neoplasms with clinical and pathologic features distinct from Burkitt lymphoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Am J Surg Pathol 2010; 34:327-40. PubMed
- Geyer JT, Ferry JA, Harris NL, Young RH, Longtine JA, Zukerberg LR. Florid reactive lymphoid hyperplasia of the lower female genital tract (lymphoma-like lesion): a benign condition that frequently harbors clonal immunoglobulin heavy chain gene rearrangements. Am J Surg Pathol 2010; 34:161-8. PubMed
- Geyer JT, Ferry JA, Harris NL, Stone JH, Zukerberg LR, Lauwers GY, Pilch BZ, Deshpande V. Chronic sclerosing sialadenitis (Küttner tumor) is an IgG4-associated disease. Am J Surg Pathol 2010; 34:202-10. PubMed
- Geyer JT, Ferry JA, Longtine JA, Flotte TJ, Harris NL, Zukerberg LR. Characteristics of cutaneous marginal zone lymphomas with marked plasmacytic differentiation and a T cell-rich background. Am J Clin Pathol 2010; 133:59-69. PubMed
- Friel AM, Zhang L, Curley MD, Therrien VA, Sergent PA, Belden SE, Borger DR, Mohapatra G, Zukerberg LR, Foster R, Rueda BR. Epigenetic regulation of CD133 and tumorigenicity of CD133 positive and negative endometrial cancer cells. Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol. 2010; 8:147. PubMed
- Park do Y, Srivastava A, Kim GH, Mino-Kenudson M, Deshpande V, Zukerberg LR, Song GA, Lauwers GY. CDX2 expression in the intestinal-type gastric epithelial neoplasia: frequency and significance. Mod Pathol 2010; 23:54-61. PubMed
- Alam HB, Fricchione GL, Guimaraes AS, Zukerberg LR. Case records of the Massachusetts General Hospital. Case 31-2009. A 26-year-old man with abdominal distention and shock. N Engl J Med 2009; 361:1487-96. PubMed
- Farris AB, Hasserjian RP, Zukerberg LR, Amrein PC, Greene RE, Mark EJ, Kradin RL. Diffuse cellular and fibrosing interstitial pneumonitis with desquamative interstitial pneumonitis-like features associated with myeloid neoplasia. Am J Surg Pathol 2009; 33:1485-93. PubMed
- Tanwar PS,Lee HJ,Zhang L,Zukerberg LR,Taketo MM,Rueda BR,Teixeira JM. Constitutive Activation of Beta-Catenin in Uterine Stroma and Smooth Muscle Leads to the Development of Mesenchymal Tumors in Mice. Biol Reprod 2009; 81:545-52. PubMed
- Slack GW,Ferry JA,Hasserjian RP,Sohani AR,Longtine JA,Harris NL,Zukerberg LR. Lymphocyte depleted Hodgkin lymphoma: an evaluation with immunophenotyping and genetic analysis. Leuk Lymphoma 2009. PubMed
- Farris AB,Lauwers GY,Ferry JA,Zukerberg LR. The rectal tonsil: a reactive lymphoid proliferation that may mimic lymphoma. Am J Surg Pathol 2008; 32:1075-9. PubMed
- Park DY, Srivastava A, Kim GH, Mino-Kenudson M, Deshpande V, Zukerberg LR, Song GA, Lauwers GY. Adenomatous and Foveolar Gastric Dysplasia: Distinct Patterns of Mucin Expression and Background Intestinal Metaplasia. Am J Surg Pathol 2008; 32:524-33. PubMed
- Sakamoto H, Friel AM, Wood AW, Guo L, Ilic A, Seiden MV, Chung DC, Lynch MP, Serikawa T, Munro E, Oliva E, Orsulic S, Kirley SD, Foster R, Zukerberg LR, Rueda BR. Mechanisms of Cables 1 gene inactivation in human ovarian cancer development. Cancer Biol Ther 2008; 7:180-88. PubMed
- Park do Y, Sakamoto H, Kirley SD, Ogino S, Kawasaki T, Kwon E, Mino-Kenudson M, Lauwers GY, Chung DC, Rueda BR, Zukerberg LR. The Cables gene on chromosome 18q is silenced by promoter hypermethylation and allelic loss in human colorectal cancer. Am J Pathol 2007; 171:1509-19. PubMed
- Ferry JA, Fung CY, Zukerberg L, Lucarelli MJ, Hasserjian RP, Preffer FI, Harris NL. Lymphoma of the ocular adnexa: A study of 353 cases. Am J Surg Pathol 2007; 31:170-84. PubMed
- Mizukami Y, Jo WS, Duerr EM, Gala M, Li J, Zhang X, Zimmer MA, Iliopoulos O, Zukerberg LR, Kohgo Y, Lynch MP, Rueda BR, Chung DC. Induction of interleukin-8 preserves the angiogenic response in HIF-1alpha-deficient colon cancer cells. Nat Med 2005; 11:992-7. PubMed
- Whiteman KR, Johnson HA, Mayo MF, Audette CA, Carrigan CN, LaBelle A, Zukerberg L, Lambert JM, Lutz RJ. Lorvotuzumab mertansine, a CD56-targeting antibody-drug conjugate with potent antitumor activity against small cell lung cancer in human xenograft models. MAbs ; 6:556-66. PubMed