Research Abstract
My research activities are focused on optimizing the combination of radiation with systemic therapies including conventional chemotherapy and newer targeted agents in the management of malignancies of the gastrointestinal tract. Ongoing projects include using two radiosensitizing chemotherapeutic agents, 5FU and Gemcitabine, with radiation in treating pancreatic cancer, adding Cox-2 inhibitors to chemotherapy and radiation for rectal cancer, and, in collaboration with Dr. Peter Enzinger, testing novel agents with combined chemotherapy and radiation for esophageal cancer. A parallel interest is the development of new techniques for delivery of radiaition therapy and measuring radiation effects on normal tissues. Projects include assessing the use of extractranial stereotactic radiosurgery for management of liver metastases, and assessment of changes in cardiac function following radiation for esophageal cancer. Lastly, I would like to expand my research activities to include translational projects such as identifying biomarkers as prognostic or predictive factors for the response to treatment, and development of targeted agents to act as a radiosensitizers.