Photo of Shiladitya Sengupta,  PhD

Shiladitya Sengupta, PhD

Brigham And Women's Hospital

Brigham And Women's Hospital
Phone: (617) 768-8994

Shiladitya Sengupta, PhD

Brigham And Women's Hospital


  • Assistant Professor, Health Sciences and Technology, Harvard Medical School
  • Associate Professor, Medicine, Harvard Medical School
  • Associate Bioengineer, Medicine, Brigham And Women's Hospital


Research Abstract

We develop novel biotechnologies for clinical translation based on the understanding of underlying biological mechanisms and disease pathology. At a fundamental level, we are currently working on three different themes: (1) the early events of metastasis; (2) Understanding the mechanisms (such as phenotypic plasticity) that allow cancer cells to tolerate chemotherapy; and (3) Developing next generation therapeutics, including nanomedicines, that can modulate the tumor stromal contexture, including the immune cells.

Reference Publications

1. Sengupta S, Eavarone DA, Capila I, Zhao G, Watson N, Kiziltepe T, Sasisekharan R. Novel cancer therapy through temporal targeting of both tumor cells and neovasculature using a unique nanoscale delivery system. Nature 2005; 436:568-72.

2. Goldman A, Majumder B, Dhawan A, Ravi S, Goldman D, Kohandel M, Majumder PK, Sengupta S. Temporally sequenced anticancer drugs overcome adaptive resistance by targeting a vulnerable chemotherapy-induced phenotypic transition. Nature Commun. 2015; 6:6139. doi: 10.1038/ncomms7139.

3. Majumder B, Baraneedharan U, Thiyagarajan S, Radhakrishnan P, Narasimhan H, Dhandapani M, Brijwani N, Pinto DD, Prasath A, Shanthappa BU, Thayakumar A, Surendran R, Babu GK, Shenoy AM, Kuriakose MA, Bergthold G, Horowitz P, Loda M, Beroukhim R, Agarwal S, Sengupta S*, Sundaram M*, Majumder PK*. Predicting clinical response to anticancer drugs using an ex vivo platform that captures tumour heterogeneity. Nature Commun. 2015; 6:6169. doi: 10.1038/ncomms7169. (*equal authors)

4. Connor Y, Tekleab S, Nandakumar S, Walls C, Tekleab Y, Husain A, Gadish O, Sabbisetti V, Kaushik S, Sehrawat S, Kulkarni A, Dvorak H, Zetter B, R Edelman E, Sengupta S. Physical nanoscale conduit-mediated communication between tumour cells and the endothelium modulates endothelial phenotype. Nature Commun. 2015; 6: 8671. doi: 10.1038/ncomms9671.

5. Kulkarni A, Rao P, Natarajan S, Goldman A, Sabbisetti VS, Khater Y, Korimerla N, Chandrasekar V, Mashelkar RA, Sengupta S. Reporter nanoparticle that monitors its anticancer efficacy in real time. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 Mar 29. pii: 201603455.

6. Kulkarni A, Vineeth C, Natarajan SK, Ramesh A, Pandey R, Nirgud J, Bhatnagar H, Ashok D, Ajay AK, Sengupta S. A designer bifunctional self-assembling therapeutic amplifies macrophage-based immune response against aggressive cancer. Nature Biomedical Engineering 2018 Aug;2(8):589-599.

7. Gupta N, Ansari A, Dhoke GD, Chilamari M, Sivaccumar J, Mandal SK, Rai V, Biswas G, Sengupta A, Roy S, Roy M, Sengupta S. Computationally-designed affinity linker-based antibody–drug conjugates for cancer therapy. Nature Biomedical Engineering 2019 Nov;3(11):917-929

8. Goldman A, Khiste S, Freinkman E, Dhawan A, Majumder B, Mondal J, Pinkerton AB, Eton E, Medhi R, Chandrasekar V, Rahman MM, Ichimura T, Gopinath KS, Majumder P, Kohandel M, Sengupta S. Targeting tumor phenotypic plasticity and metabolic remodeling in adaptive cross-drug tolerance. Sci Signal. 2019 Aug 20;12(595). pii: eaas8779.

Publications from Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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  • Saha T, Fojtů M, Nagar AV, Thurakkal L, Srinivasan BB, Mukherjee M, Sibiyon A, Aggarwal H, Samuel A, Dash C, Jang HL, Sengupta S. Antibody nanoparticle conjugate-based targeted immunotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer. Sci Adv 2024; 10:eadi2046. PubMed
  • Namgung B, Dai H, Prathyushaa Vikraman P, Saha T, Sengupta S, Lin Jang H. An inexpensive "do-it-yourself" device for rapid generation of uniform tumor spheroids. Device 2024. PubMed
  • Lee VK, Lee T, Ghosh A, Saha T, Bais MV, Bharani KK, Chag M, Parikh K, Bhatt P, Namgung B, Venkataramanan G, Agrawal A, Sonaje K, Mavely L, Sengupta S, Mashelkar RA, Jang HL. An architecturally rational hemostat for rapid stopping of massive bleeding on anticoagulation therapy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2024; 121:e2316170121. PubMed
  • Saha T, Dash C, Jayabalan R, Khiste S, Kulkarni A, Kurmi K, Mondal J, Majumder PK, Bardia A, Jang HL, Sengupta S. Intercellular nanotubes mediate mitochondrial trafficking between cancer and immune cells. Nat Nanotechnol 2022; 17:98-106. PubMed
  • Saha T, Mondal J, Khiste S, Lusic H, Hu ZW, Jayabalan R, Hodgetts KJ, Jang H, Sengupta S, Eunice Lee S, Park Y, Lee LP, Goldman A. Nanotherapeutic approaches to overcome distinct drug resistance barriers in models of breast cancer. Nanophotonics 2021; 10:3063-3073. PubMed
  • Dash C, Saha T, Sengupta S, Jang HL. Inhibition of Tunneling Nanotubes between Cancer Cell and the Endothelium Alters the Metastatic Phenotype. Int J Mol Sci 2021. PubMed
  • Namgung B, Ravi K, Vikraman PP, Sengupta S, Jang HL. Engineered cell-laden alginate microparticles for 3D culture. Biochem Soc Trans 2021; 49:761-773. PubMed
  • Freag MS, Namgung B, Reyna Fernandez ME, Gherardi E, Sengupta S, Jang HL. Human Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis on a Chip. Hepatol Commun 2021; 5:217-233. PubMed
  • Zhou X, Qu M, Tebon P, Jiang X, Wang C, Xue Y, Zhu J, Zhang S, Oklu R, Sengupta S, Sun W, Khademhosseini A. Screening Cancer Immunotherapy: When Engineering Approaches Meet Artificial Intelligence. Adv Sci (Weinh) 2020; 7:2001447. PubMed
  • Chung I, Zhou K, Barrows C, Banyard J, Wilson A, Rummel N, Mizokami A, Basu S, Sengupta P, Shaikh B, Sengupta S, Bielenberg DR, Zetter BR. Unbiased Phenotype-Based Screen Identifies Therapeutic Agents Selective for Metastatic Prostate Cancer. 2020; 10:594141. PubMed
  • Smalley M, Natarajan SK, Mondal J, Best D, Goldman D, Shanthappa B, Pellowe M, Dash C, Saha T, Khiste S, Ramadurai N, Eton EO, Smalley JL, Brown A, Thayakumar A, Rahman M, Arai K, Kohandel M, Sengupta S, Goldman A. Nanoengineered Disruption of Heat Shock Protein 90 Targets Drug-Induced Resistance and Relieves Natural Killer Cell Suppression in Breast Cancer. Cancer Res 2020; 80:5355-5366. PubMed
  • Gupta N, Ansari A, Dhoke GV, Chilamari M, Sivaccumar J, Kumari S, Chatterjee S, Goyal R, Dutta PK, Samarla M, Mukherjee M, Sarkar A, Mandal SK, Rai V, Biswas G, Sengupta A, Roy S, Roy M, Sengupta S. Computationally designed antibody-drug conjugates self-assembled via affinity ligands. Nat Biomed Eng 2019; 3:917-929. PubMed
  • Goldman A, Khiste S, Freinkman E, Dhawan A, Majumder B, Mondal J, Pinkerton AB, Eton E, Medhi R, Chandrasekar V, Rahman MM, Ichimura T, Gopinath KS, Majumder P, Kohandel M, Sengupta S. Targeting tumor phenotypic plasticity and metabolic remodeling in adaptive cross-drug tolerance. Sci Signal 2019. PubMed
  • Jang HL, Sengupta S. Transcellular transfer of nanomedicine. Nat Nanotechnol 2019. PubMed
  • Connor Y, Tekleab Y, Tekleab S, Nandakumar S, Bharat D, Sengupta S. A mathematical model of tumor-endothelial interactions in a 3D co-culture. Sci Rep 2019; 9:8429. PubMed
  • Bandaru P, Chu D, Sun W, Lasli S, Zhao C, Hou S, Zhang S, Ni J, Cefaloni G, Ahadian S, Dokmeci MR, Sengupta S, Lee J, Khademhosseini A. A Microfabricated Sandwiching Assay for Nanoliter and High-Throughput Biomarker Screening. Small 2019. PubMed
  • Sun W, Luo Z, Lee J, Kim HJ, Lee K, Tebon P, Feng Y, Dokmeci MR, Sengupta S, Khademhosseini A. Organ-on-a-Chip for Cancer and Immune Organs Modeling. Adv Healthc Mater 2019. PubMed
  • Kulkarni A, Chandrasekar V, Natarajan SK, Ramesh A, Pandey P, Nirgud J, Bhatnagar H, Ashok D, Ajay AK, Sengupta S. A designer self-assembled supramolecule amplifies macrophage immune responses against aggressive cancer. Nat Biomed Eng 2018; 2:589-599. PubMed
  • Sengupta S. Cancer Nanomedicine: Lessons for Immuno-Oncology. Trends Cancer 2017; 3:551-560. PubMed
  • Gupta N, Kancharla J, Kaushik S, Ansari A, Hossain S, Goyal R, Pandey M, Sivaccumar J, Hussain S, Sarkar A, Sengupta A, Mandal SK, Roy M, Sengupta S. Development of a facile antibody-drug conjugate platform for increased stability and homogeneity. Chem Sci 2017; 8:2387-2395. PubMed
  • Calibasi Kocal G, Güven S, Foygel K, Goldman A, Chen P, Sengupta S, Paulmurugan R, Baskin Y, Demirci U. Dynamic Microenvironment Induces Phenotypic Plasticity of Esophageal Cancer Cells Under Flow. Sci Rep 2016; 6:38221. PubMed
  • Kulkarni A, Natarajan SK, Chandrasekar V, Pandey PR, Sengupta S. Combining Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors and Kinase-Inhibiting Supramolecular Therapeutics for Enhanced Anticancer Efficacy. ACS Nano 2016. PubMed
  • Kulkarni A, Pandey P, Rao P, Mahmoud A, Goldman A, Sabbisetti V, Parcha S, Natarajan SK, Chandrasekar V, Dinulescu D, Roy S, Sengupta S. Algorithm for Designing Nanoscale Supramolecular Therapeutics with Increased Anticancer Efficacy. ACS Nano 2016; 10:8154-68. PubMed
  • Goldman A, Kulkarni A, Kohandel M, Pandey P, Rao P, Natarajan SK, Sabbisetti V, Sengupta S. Rationally Designed 2-in-1 Nanoparticles Can Overcome Adaptive Resistance in Cancer. ACS Nano 2016; 10:5823-34. PubMed
  • Boareto M, Jolly MK, Goldman A, Pietilä M, Mani SA, Sengupta S, Ben-Jacob E, Levine H, Onuchic JN. Notch-Jagged signalling can give rise to clusters of cells exhibiting a hybrid epithelial/mesenchymal phenotype. J R Soc Interface 2016. PubMed
  • Kulkarni A, Rao P, Natarajan S, Goldman A, Sabbisetti VS, Khater Y, Korimerla N, Chandrasekar V, Mashelkar RA, Sengupta S. Reporter nanoparticle that monitors its anticancer efficacy in real time. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2016. PubMed
  • Molavian HR, Goldman A, Phipps CJ, Kohandel M, Wouters BG, Sengupta S, Sivaloganathan S. Drug-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) rely on cell membrane properties to exert anticancer effects. Sci Rep 2016; 6:27439. PubMed
  • Goldman A, Majumder B, Dhawan A, Ravi S, Goldman D, Kohandel M, Majumder PK, Sengupta S. Temporally sequenced anticancer drugs overcome adaptive resistance by targeting a vulnerable chemotherapy-induced phenotypic transition. Nat Commun 2015; 6:6139. PubMed
  • Majumder B, Baraneedharan U, Thiyagarajan S, Radhakrishnan P, Narasimhan H, Dhandapani M, Brijwani N, Pinto DD, Prasath A, Shanthappa BU, Thayakumar A, Surendran R, Babu GK, Shenoy AM, Kuriakose MA, Bergthold G, Horowitz P, Loda M, Beroukhim R, Agarwal S, Sengupta S, Sundaram M, Majumder PK. Predicting clinical response to anticancer drugs using an ex vivo platform that captures tumour heterogeneity. Nat Commun 2015; 6:6169. PubMed
  • Pandey A, Sarangi S, Chien K, Sengupta P, Papa AL, Basu S, Sengupta S. Anti-platelet agents augment cisplatin nanoparticle cytotoxicity by enhancing tumor vasculature permeability and drug delivery. Nanotechnology 2014; 25:445101. PubMed
  • Pandey A, Kulkarni A, Roy B, Goldman A, Sarangi S, Sengupta P, Phipps C, Kopparam J, Oh M, Basu S, Kohandel M, Sengupta S. Sequential application of a cytotoxic nanoparticle and a PI3K inhibitor enhances antitumor efficacy. Cancer Res 2014; 74:675-85. PubMed
  • Papa AL, Sidiqui A, Balasubramanian SU, Sarangi S, Luchette M, Sengupta S, Harfouche R. PEGylated liposomal Gemcitabine: insights into a potential breast cancer therapeutic. Cell Oncol (Dordr) 2013; 36:449-57. PubMed
  • Kulkarni AA, Roy B, Rao PS, Wyant GA, Mahmoud A, Ramachandran M, Sengupta P, Goldman A, Kotamraju VR, Basu S, Mashelkar RA, Ruoslahti E, Dinulescu DM, Sengupta S. Supramolecular nanoparticles that target phosphoinositide-3-kinase overcome insulin resistance and exert pronounced antitumor efficacy. Cancer Res 2013; 73:6987-97. PubMed
  • Sengupta S, Kulkarni A. Design principles for clinical efficacy of cancer nanomedicine: a look into the basics. ACS Nano 2013; 7:2878-82. PubMed
  • Sarangi S, Pandey A, Papa AL, Sengupta P, Kopparam J, Dadwal U, Basu S, Sengupta S. P2Y12 receptor inhibition augments cytotoxic effects of cisplatin in breast cancer. Med Oncol 2013; 30:567. PubMed
  • Sengupta P, Basu S, Soni S, Pandey A, Roy B, Oh MS, Chin KT, Paraskar AS, Sarangi S, Connor Y, Sabbisetti VS, Kopparam J, Kulkarni A, Muto K, Amarasiriwardena C, Jayawardene I, Lupoli N, Dinulescu DM, Bonventre JV, Mashelkar RA, Sengupta S. Cholesterol-tethered platinum II-based supramolecular nanoparticle increases antitumor efficacy and reduces nephrotoxicity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2012; 109:11294-9. PubMed
  • Papa AL, Basu S, Sengupta P, Banerjee D, Sengupta S, Harfouche R. Mechanistic studies of Gemcitabine-loaded nanoplatforms in resistant pancreatic cancer cells. BMC Cancer 2012; 12:419. PubMed
  • Piecewicz S, Sengupta S. The dynamic glycome microenvironment and stem cell differentiation into vasculature. Stem Cells Dev 2011. PubMed
  • Sengupta P, Basu S, Sengupta S. Cancer, signal transduction and nanotechnology. 2011. PubMed
  • Banerjee D, Harfouche R, Sengupta S. Nanotechnology-mediated targeting of tumor angiogenesis. 2011; 3:3. PubMed
  • Sinha Roy R, Soni S, Harfouche R, Vasudevan PR, Holmes O, de Jonge H, Rowe A, Paraskar A, Hentschel DM, Chirgadze D, Blundell TL, Gherardi E, Mashelkar RA, Sengupta S. Coupling growth-factor engineering with nanotechnology for therapeutic angiogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2010; 107:13608-13. PubMed
  • Paraskar AS, Soni S, Chin KT, Chaudhuri P, Muto KW, Berkowitz J, Handlogten MW, Alves NJ, Bilgicer B, Dinulescu DM, Mashelkar RA, Sengupta S. Harnessing structure-activity relationship to engineer a cisplatin nanoparticle for enhanced antitumor efficacy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2010; 107:12435-40. PubMed
  • Agarwal S, Dugar D, Sengupta S. Ranking chemical structures for drug discovery: a new machine learning approach. J Chem Inf Model 2010; 50:716-31. PubMed
  • Chaudhuri P, Harfouche R, Soni S, Hentschel DM, Sengupta S. Shape effect of carbon nanovectors on angiogenesis. ACS Nano 2010; 4:574-82. PubMed
  • Chaudhuri P, Soni S, Sengupta S. Single-walled carbon nanotube-conjugated chemotherapy exhibits increased therapeutic index in melanoma. Nanotechnology 2010; 21:025102. PubMed
  • Harfouche R, Hentschel DM, Piecewicz S, Basu S, Print C, Eavarone D, Kiziltepe T, Sasisekharan R, Sengupta S. Glycome and transcriptome regulation of vasculogenesis. Circulation 2009; 120:1883-92. PubMed
  • Basu S, Chaudhuri P, Sengupta S. Targeting oncogenic signaling pathways by exploiting nanotechnology. Cell Cycle 2009; 8:3480-7. PubMed
  • Bocangel D, Sengupta S, Mitra S, Bhakat KK. p53-Mediated down-regulation of the human DNA repair gene O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) via interaction with Sp1 transcription factor. Anticancer Res 2009; 29:3741-50. PubMed
  • Chaudhuri P, Paraskar A, Soni S, Mashelkar RA, Sengupta S. Fullerenol-cytotoxic conjugates for cancer chemotherapy. ACS Nano 2009; 3:2505-14. PubMed
  • Connor Y, Tekleab S, Nandakumar S, Walls C, Tekleab Y, Husain A, Gadish O, Sabbisetti V, Kaushik S, Sehrawat S, Kulkarni A, Dvorak H, Zetter B, R Edelman E, Sengupta S. Physical nanoscale conduit-mediated communication between tumour cells and the endothelium modulates endothelial phenotype. Nat Commun ; 6:8671. PubMed
  • Basu S, Harfouche R, Soni S, Chimote G, Mashelkar RA, Sengupta S.. Nanoparticle-mediated targeting of MAPK signaling predisposes tumor to chemotherapy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2000; 106:7957-61.