Photo of Jay Rajagopal,  MD

Jay Rajagopal, MD

Massachusetts General Hospital

Massachusetts General Hospital
Phone: (617) 803-9740

Jay Rajagopal, MD

Massachusetts General Hospital


  • Professor, Medicine, Harvard Medical School
  • Investigator, Center for Regenerative Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Principal Faculty, CRM, Harvard Stem Cell Institute
  • Associate, Stem Cell & Regenerative Biology, Harvard Medical School


Research Abstract

Our laboratory focuses on lung regeneration and the application of developmental biology to lung human disease. We seek to clarify the mechanistic basis of lung stem and progenitor cell proliferation and differentiation, and these inquiries into the molecular mechanisms underlying embryonic lung development and adult lung epithelial regeneration serve as a framework within which we seek to understand how the reactivation and distortion of normal developmental processes results in human lung disease. We are also exploring methods for the in vivo engraftment of lung epithelial stem cells as a basis for regenerative medical therapies and the production of iPS cells from individuals with lung diseases, including Cystic Fibrosis.

Publications from Harvard Catalyst Profiles

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  • Mou H, Yang Y, Riehs MA, Barrios J, Shivaraju M, Haber AL, Montoro DT, Gilmore K, Haas EA, Paunovic B, Rajagopal J, Vargas SO, Haynes RL, Fine A, Cardoso WV, Ai X. Airway basal stem cells generate distinct subpopulations of PNECs. Cell Rep 2021; 35:109011. PubMed
  • Montoro DT, Haber AL, Rood JE, Regev A, Rajagopal J. A Synthesis Concerning Conservation and Divergence of Cell Types across Epithelia. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2020. PubMed
  • Schiller HB, Montoro DT, Simon LM, Rawlins EL, Meyer KB, Strunz M, Vieira Braga FA, Timens W, Koppelman GH, Budinger GRS, Burgess JK, Waghray A, van den Berge M, Theis FJ, Regev A, Kaminski N, Rajagopal J, Teichmann SA, Misharin AV, Nawijn MC. The Human Lung Cell Atlas: A High-Resolution Reference Map of the Human Lung in Health and Disease. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2019; 61:31-41. PubMed
  • Lin B, Srikanth P, Castle AC, Nigwekar S, Malhotra R, Galloway JL, Sykes DB, Rajagopal J. Modulating Cell Fate as a Therapeutic Strategy. Cell Stem Cell 2018. PubMed
  • Tata PR, Chow RD, Saladi SV, Tata A, Konkimalla A, Bara A, Montoro D, Hariri LP, Shih AR, Mino-Kenudson M, Mou H, Kimura S, Ellisen LW, Rajagopal J. Developmental History Provides a Roadmap for the Emergence of Tumor Plasticity. Dev Cell 2018; 44:679-693.e5. PubMed
  • Waghray A, Rajagopal J. Tips from the embryonic lung. Elife 2017. PubMed
  • Tata PR, Rajagopal J. Plasticity in the lung: making and breaking cell identity. Development 2017; 144:755-766. PubMed
  • Saladi SV, Ross K, Karaayvaz M, Tata PR, Mou H, Rajagopal J, Ramaswamy S, Ellisen LW. ACTL6A Is Co-Amplified with p63 in Squamous Cell Carcinoma to Drive YAP Activation, Regenerative Proliferation, and Poor Prognosis. Cancer Cell 2017. PubMed
  • Tata PR, Rajagopal J. Regulatory Circuits and Bi-directional Signaling between Stem Cells and Their Progeny. Cell Stem Cell 2016; 19:686-689. PubMed
  • Tata PR, Rajagopal J. Cellular plasticity: 1712 to the present day. Curr Opin Cell Biol 2016; 43:46-54. PubMed
  • Mou H, Vinarsky V, Tata PR, Brazauskas K, Choi SH, Crooke AK, Zhang B, Solomon GM, Turner B, Bihler H, Harrington J, Lapey A, Channick C, Keyes C, Freund A, Artandi S, Mense M, Rowe S, Engelhardt JF, Hsu YC, Rajagopal J. Dual SMAD Signaling Inhibition Enables Long-Term Expansion of Diverse Epithelial Basal Cells. Cell Stem Cell 2016. PubMed
  • Mou H, Brazauskas K, Rajagopal J. Personalized medicine for cystic fibrosis: establishing human model systems. Pediatr. Pulmonol. 2015; 50 Suppl 40:S14-23. PubMed
  • Dowdall JR, Sadow PM, Hartnick C, Vinarsky V, Mou H, Zhao R, Song PC, Franco RA, Rajagopal J. Identification of distinct layers within the stratified squamous epithelium of the adult human true vocal fold. Laryngoscope 2015. PubMed
  • Pardo-Saganta A, Tata PR, Law BM, Saez B, Chow RDz, Prabhu M, Gridley T, Rajagopal J. Parent stem cells can serve as niches for their daughter cells. Nature 2015. PubMed
  • Yu VW, Saez B, Cook C, Lotinun S, Pardo-Saganta A, Wang YH, Lymperi S, Ferraro F, Raaijmakers MH, Wu JY, Zhou L, Rajagopal J, Kronenberg HM, Baron R, Scadden DT. Specific bone cells produce DLL4 to generate thymus-seeding progenitors from bone marrow. J Exp Med 2015; 212:759-74. PubMed
  • Pardo-Saganta A, Law BM, Tata PR, Villoria J, Saez B, Mou H, Zhao R, Rajagopal J. Injury induces direct lineage segregation of functionally distinct airway basal stem/progenitor cell subpopulations. Cell Stem Cell 2015; 16:184-97. PubMed
  • Gilpin SE, Ren X, Okamoto T, Guyette JP, Mou H, Rajagopal J, Mathisen DJ, Vacanti JP, Ott HC. Enhanced lung epithelial specification of human induced pluripotent stem cells on decellularized lung matrix. Ann Thorac Surg 2014. PubMed
  • Zhao R, Fallon TR, Saladi SV, Pardo-Saganta A, Villoria J, Mou H, Vinarsky V, Gonzalez-Celeiro M, Nunna N, Hariri LP, Camargo F, Ellisen LW, Rajagopal J. Yap tunes airway epithelial size and architecture by regulating the identity, maintenance, and self-renewal of stem cells. Dev Cell 2014; 30:151-65. PubMed
  • Guha A, Vasconcelos M, Zhao R, Gower AC, Rajagopal J, Cardoso WV. Analysis of Notch signaling-dependent gene expression in developing airways reveals diversity of Clara cells. PLoS ONE 2014; 9:e88848. PubMed
  • Tata PR, Mou H, Pardo-Saganta A, Zhao R, Prabhu M, Law BM, Vinarsky V, Cho JL, Breton S, Sahay A, Medoff BD, Rajagopal J. Dedifferentiation of committed epithelial cells into stem cells in vivo. Nature 2013; 503:218-23. PubMed
  • Pardo-Saganta A, Law BM, Gonzalez-Celeiro M, Vinarsky V, Rajagopal J. Ciliated cells of pseudostratified airway epithelium do not become mucous cells after ovalbumin challenge. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2013; 48:364-73. PubMed
  • Watanabe H, Francis JM, Woo MS, Etemad B, Lin W, Fries DF, Peng S, Snyder EL, Tata PR, Izzo F, Schinzel AC, Cho J, Hammerman PS, Verhaak RG, Hahn WC, Rajagopal J, Jacks T, Meyerson M. Integrated cistromic and expression analysis of amplified NKX2-1 in lung adenocarcinoma identifies LMO3 as a functional transcriptional target. Genes Dev 2013; 27:197-210. PubMed
  • Kim JK, Vinarsky V, Wain J, Zhao R, Jung K, Choi J, Lam A, Pardo-Saganta A, Breton S, Rajagopal J, Yun SH. In vivo imaging of tracheal epithelial cells in mice during airway regeneration. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2012. PubMed
  • Muzykewicz DA, Black ME, Muse V, Numis AL, Rajagopal J, Thiele EA, Sharma A. Multifocal micronodular pneumocyte hyperplasia: computed tomographic appearance and follow-up in tuberous sclerosis complex. J Comput Assist Tomogr 2012; 36:518-22. PubMed
  • Guseh JS, Bores SA, Stanger BZ, Zhou Q, Anderson WJ, Melton DA, Rajagopal J. Notch signaling promotes airway mucous metaplasia and inhibits alveolar development. Development 2009; 136:1751-9. PubMed
  • Zhou Q, Brown J, Kanarek A, Rajagopal J, Melton DA. In vivo reprogramming of adult pancreatic exocrine cells to beta-cells. Nature 2008; 455:627-32. PubMed
  • Rajagopal J, Carroll TJ, Guseh JS, Bores SA, Blank LJ, Anderson WJ, Yu J, Zhou Q, McMahon AP, Melton DA. Wnt7b stimulates embryonic lung growth by coordinately increasing the replication of epithelium and mesenchyme. Development 2008; 135:1625-34. PubMed
  • Shaw AT, Meissner A, Dowdle JA, Crowley D, Magendantz M, Ouyang C, Parisi T, Rajagopal J, Blank LJ, Bronson RT, Stone JR, Tuveson DA, Jaenisch R, Jacks T. Sprouty-2 regulates oncogenic K-ras in lung development and tumorigenesis. Genes Dev 2007; 21:694-707. PubMed
  • Rajagopal J, Anderson WJ, Kume S, Martinez OI, Melton DA. Insulin staining of ES cell progeny from insulin uptake. Science 2003; 299:363. PubMed