Training and Education

Career Development


Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Program Awards (K12s) provide support to an institution for the development of independent clinical scientists. DF/HCC holds two Paul Calabresi Career Development Awards for Clinical Oncology from the National Cancer Institute:

2015 DF/HCC K Awards

Harvard Catalyst

Harvard’s Clinical and Translational Science Center offers more than a dozen courses and training programs, ranging from short courses on translational and clinical research to degree-granting multi-year advanced education and training programs. In addition, their Advanced Curriculum Compendium helps you find more than 100 advanced research courses offered by Harvard affiliated schools and academic healthcare centers. Read more

df/hcc SPOREs

DF/HCC currently holds several Specialized Programs of Research Excellence (SPOREs) in the areas of Breast Cancer, Brain Cancer, Kidney Cancer, Lung Cancer, Myeloma, and Prostate Cancer, as well as Gastrointestinal Cancers. Each SPORE maintains a vibrant career enhancement program focused on supporting young investigators in these areas of cancer research.

Clinical Research

For an extensive list of clinical research training (CITI training, cultural competency, Human Subject Protection Training, etc), visit the Clinical Research Support Training Section.