2024 UMB DF/HCC Partnership Cancer Symposium

Published 12/23/2024

The UMass Boston - Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center Partnership recently held their annual cancer symposium at the Yawkey Conference Center on November 25. The symposium began with a keynote talk by Associate Professor of Medicine, Sacha Gusev, PhD, titled Characterizing Germline Cancer Mechanisms at Scale: Risk,Tumor Evolution, and Treatment Outcomes. After a lively Q&A discussion highlighting opportunities for further investigation, students from both the DF/HCC CURE and U54 REC research training programs presented posters on their summer research projects. The exciting work being done across the partnership was on full display throughout the symposium, leaving much to look forward to in further collaborations in the future. 

DF/CC CURE and U54 REC students present summer research at UMB-DF/HCC Partnership Cancer Symposium poster session.

Research Trainee Presenters:

Bianca Tiwari, High School Senior - Dr. Philip Kranzusch’s lab (DFCI)
Caroline Abdalla, High School Senior - Dr. Donald Kufe’s lab (DFCI)
Devin Estrada, Undergraduate Sophomore - Dr. Peter Tsvetkov’s lab (BIDMC)
Dhruvi Patel, Undergraduate Senior - Dr. Kimberly Hamad-Schifferli’s lab (UMB)
Eyitayo Fuluronso, Undergraduate Senior - Dr. Anthony Letai’s lab (DFCI)
Jules Pouokam, Undergraduate Junior - Dr. Jens Rister’s lab (UMB)
Matheus Berbet, Undergraduate Senior - Dr. Kimberly Hamad-Schifferli’s Lab (UMB)
Roza Shaik, High School Senior - Dr. Pricilla Brastianos’s lab (MGH)