Zhu Center: Virtual Course Launch
May 13, 2024
In June 2024, the Zhu Center will be launching the third iteration of an online course titled “Geospatial Data Science for Cancer Control and Prevention.” This eight-week, self-directed online course will introduce students to important concepts in geographic data science and guided practical exercises in use of R and Google Earth Engine to process, visualize, and analyze geospatial data. In addition, students will hear from experts who are using geospatial data science to advance cancer and public health research in the US and in low-resource settings globally. Interested parties can visit the course landing page for more details regarding the syllabus, instructors, course requirements and recommended prerequisite training.
For the first time, we have made certain lectures available to the public through a YouTube channel. These videos provide examples of the types of content that we include in our course. Register here.