Harvard Chan Bioinformatics Core: Shell for Bioinformatics workshop - September 3, 6, 10

August 20, 2024

Do you have your own high throughput sequencing (HTS) data you would like to analyze yourself? 

Bioinformatics analysis requires computational resources that go beyond what your laptop has available. To access more resources on a high performance computing (HPC) environment, users need to have a working knowledge of the command line interface (CLI - also referred to as UNIX, bash, shell).

Come learn the first step in HTS data analysis, with the Harvard Chan Bioinformatics core!

The Shell for Bioinformatics workshop will introduce participants to the command-line interface and provide the skills to become comfortable using a high-performance compute environment.  This workshop will be held in person on September 3rd, 6th, and 10th from 9:30 AM to 12PM each day. More details, including eligibility criteria and the workshop description, are available in the attached, below and on the registration page. This workshop does not require any prior programming knowledge.

Register soon at http://tinyurl.com/HBC-Intro-HPC-and-Shell!

Note that our advanced workshops including the upcoming Variant Calling as well as bulk RNA-seq and ChIP-seq/ATAC-seq require Shell for Bioinformatics.