
You will find a range of cancer disparities related resources on these pages, including community, DF/HCC, and national resources. We encourage you to email us at with your feedback or questions.

IECD Resources 

The IECD makes additional resources available through specific programs you will find highlighted throughout the sections of this site. Please visit the pages below to find these resources.

DF/HCC Clinical Investigator Information (Resources to Address Barriers to Access to Clinical Trials)
Community Poster Displays
Faith-Based Resources
Student Training Program Materials

DF/HCC Affiliated Resources

  • Center for Community Based Research (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute) – Developing innovative ways to lower cancer risk by working with community groups and organizations. The center uses the power of the community to study the factors that play a role in improving the prevention, early detection, and treatment of cancer.
  • DF/HCC Clinical Investigator Resources: Tools to assist investigators in the writing and development of clinical research trials, including a new section with resources to address barriers to access to clinical trials.
  • Division of Public Health Practice (Harvard School of Public Health) – The Division strives to strengthen service, education, and research opportunities for the School's students, faculty, and practitioners.
  • FXB Center for Health and Human Rights (Harvard School of Public Health) – The first academic center to focus exclusively on health and human rights. The Center combines the academic strengths of research and teaching with a strong commitment to service and policy development.
  • Guidelines and Recommendations for recruiting diverse populations to clinical and community research trials – Resource document developed by the IECD to increase minority recruitment to trials.
  • Harvard Catalyst Annotated Bibliography, Cultural Competency for Researchers – Harvard Catalyst, the Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center, includes DF/HCC member institutions Harvard School of Public Health and Harvard Medical School. This Annotated Bibliography provides a list of citations and summaries of publications focused on various aspects of cultural competency in the research setting, including clinical trials recruitment and cultural competency training for researchers.

Massachusetts and Boston Resources

  • ACE Environmental Justice – ACE builds the power of communities of color and lower income communities to eradicate environmental racism and classism and achieve environmental justice.
  • Boston Disparities Report – A presentation and analysis of health disparities in Boston produced by the Boston Public Health Commission in June 2005.
  • Boston Public Health Commission - This annual report has been prepared for readers who want an extensive yet readily usable source of Boston health data.
  • Institute on Urban Health Research - The IUHR was founded in response to serious and largely unmitigated disparities in the level of overall health and health care found in urban populations, particularly those of the urban poor, African-American, and Latino communities.
  • Massachusetts Cancer Registry – The MCR is responsible for the collection of information regarding all newly diagnosed cases of cancer in Massachusetts. These data provide crucial information for monitoring the impact of environmental and occupational hazards, as well as for designing and evaluating cancer prevention and control programs.
  • MassCHIP – A dynamic, user-friendly information service that provides free online access to these and many other health and social indicators. With MassCHIP, you can obtain community-level data to assess health needs, monitor health status indicators, and evaluate health programs.
  • Office of Health Equity - The Massachusetts Office of Health Equity promotes the health and well being of racial, ethnic, and linguistic minority populations throughout the Commonwealth by increasing the Department of Public Health's capacity to respond effectively to the critical public health needs of these communities.
  • Race/Ethnicity Reports – A resource provided by the Massachusetts Office of Health and Human Services, including a cancer incidence report.
  • Reach 2010 Commission – The mission of Boston's REACH 2010 Coalition is to eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in breast and cervical cancer by creating, with the community, a culturally competent system which promotes screening, education, prevention, treatment, and access to care for Black women and women of African descent in Boston.

National Resources

Read through this report from the American Cancer Society (ACS) about the unique cancer profile in Hispanic/Latino Americans.

  • The American Medical Association (AMA): The AMA Eliminating Health Disparities page provides strategies and information for physicians, and also includes links to publications, reports, and other resources of interest to a broad audience .
  • The following AMA Ethical Force Consensus Report may also be a useful resource.
  • Cancer Control Planet - This portal provides access to data and resources that can help planners, program staff, and researchers to design, implement, and evaluate evidence-based cancer control programs.
  • Cancer, Culture, and Literacy - Compilation of relevant resources from the Moffitt Cancer Center's Cancer Control Journal.
  • CDC Community Guide – Provides public health decision makers with recommendations regarding population-based interventions to promote health and to prevent disease, injury, disability, and premature death, appropriate for use by communities and health care systems.
  • CDC Office of Minority Health – Resource for CDC-based reports, publications, programming, and training opportunities.
  • Utilize this cancer atlas provided by CDC to create United States maps that allow you to make quick comparisons by cancer site, gender, race/ethnicity, and state during a given period.
  • Center for Information and Study on Clinical Research Participation (CISCRP) and the AWARE for All Clinical Trials Education Program: CISCRP is dedicated to educating and informing the public, patients, medical/research communities, the media, and policy makers about clinical research and the role each party plays in the process.
  • Education Network to Advance Cancer Clinical Trials (ENACCT): A national organization devoted to identifying, implementing, and evaluating innovative community-centered approaches to cancer clinical trials education. ENACCT seeks to increase cancer clinical trial participation and access to quality care for all cancer patients — especially those who are from underserved communities.
  • Healthy People – A framework for prevention for the nation. It is a statement of national health objectives designed to identify the most significant preventable threats to health and to establish national goals to reduce these threats.
  • IOM Unequal Treatment – IOM assessment of the extent of disparities in the types and quality of health services received by U.S. racial and ethnic minorities and non-minorities; exploration of factors that may contribute to inequities in care; and recommendations of policies and practices to eliminate these inequities.
  • Intercultural Cancer Council Offers links, resources, and cancer fact sheets for various ethnic groups.
  • The National Cancer Institute’s Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities (CRCHD) The Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities is the keystone of NCI's efforts to reduce the unequal burden of cancer in our society. Focusing on providing timely information on cancer health disparities research, training, and awareness efforts. CRCHD E-Bulletin.
  • NCI’s Clinical Trials Homepage: This page includes NCI’s resources for clinical research teams, educational materials for the public and patients interested in trials, a national searchable database of active trials, and clinical trial results.
  • NCI Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences – Resource for funding opportunities, information and resources, current research in the areas of genetic, epidemiologic, behavioral, social, and surveillance cancer research.
  • NCI Health Disparities Surveillance Research – Resource for statistics by race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status as well as reports on cancer in specific minority and underserved populations. National Institutes of Health POLICY ON REPORTING RACE AND ETHNICITY DATA: SUBJECTS IN CLINICAL RESEARCH - This document provides additional guidance and instructions for using the revised minimum standards for maintaining, collecting, and presenting data on race and ethnicity found in the PHS 398 (rev. 5/01) and PHS 2590 (rev. 5/01) instructions and forms.
  • National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship Minority Guide – Resource describing ways to develop and sustain minority survivorship programs, including presentation of model programs.
  • National Healthcare Disparities Report, 2008. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality - AHRQ Rockville, MD - January 2009. The report presents the latest available findings on quality of and access to health care in the general U.S. population and among priority populations. It focuses on four components of quality: effectiveness, patient safety, timeliness, and patient centeredness and two components of access: facilitators and barriers to health care and health care utilization.
  • AHRQ also hosts a Minority Health website with additional resources about health disparities.
  • Public Health Geocoding Project - An introduction to geocoding and using area-based socioeconomic measures with public health surveillance data, based on the work of the Public Health Disparities Geocoding Project at the Harvard School of Public Health, Department of Society, Human Development, and Health.
  • SEER - A program of the National Cancer Institute, SEER (which stands for Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results) is a source of information on cancer incidence and survival in the United States.
  • This health disparities calculator uses SEER and other population based health data and is designed for anyone interested in learning about summary measures of health disparities as well as health and cancer-related disparities on the whole.
  • Trans-HHS Cancer Health Disparities Progress Review Group – Established by HHS to bring together the nation's leading researchers, health practitioners, and advocates as well as cancer survivors, to look at eliminating health disparities in the area of cancer.
  • Principles of Community Engagement: Clinical and Translational Science Awards Consortium community engagement key function committee task force on the principles of community engagement.

Health and Social Equality Resources

  • Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) and Research Ethics Listserv: This listserv was established by Community-Campus Partnerships for Health to continue the dialogue initiated by the Educational Conference Call Series on Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) and Ethical Issues in Research. Participants are invited to pose questions and share information or resources related to ethical issues that arise in CBPR and challenges encountered in the process of research ethics review.
  • International Society for Equity in Health – Promoting equity in health and health services internationally through education, research, publication, communication, and charitable support.
  • This issue of the Journal of Urban Health has a special section of a number of articles on the challenges of conducting community-based participatory research (CBPR) and establishing and maintaining research partnerships.
  • PAHO Democracy and Health – Web site devoted to issues relating to health and democratic ideals.
  • Praxis Project – A national nonprofit organization that builds partnerships with local groups to address the health gap facing communities of color.
  • Toward the Elimination of Cancer Disparities: Read this book targeting the societal burden and hope for elimination of cancer disparities.
  • WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health – Committee created to begin the process to act upon the social and environmental causes of health inequities via advocating for political change.