DF/HCC Training and Education
Training requirements for DF/HCC research personnel are governed by policy EDU-100, and are outlined in the New Research Staff Checklist. Utilize the checklist, as well as the resources on this page to fulfill all training requirements prior to starting research at DF/HCC.
Required Training for All Research Staff
Additional Required Training for PIs
iRIS Education and Training
Visit the iRIS Training and Resources Page to access all of our iRIS resources, including:
- iRIS Submission Basics e-Learning Series - a 7-module course covering all of the basics from creating a submission, how submissions are routed and reviewed, activation steps, managing subsites, and more!
- iRIS WIKI - detailed guidance and work instructions for investigators and study teams on a variety of iRIS topics
- Archived iRIS Office Hours Webinars - review previously recorded live webinars focusing on specific iRIS topics, system updates, and more
Other Educational Resources
Micro Learning
Bite-Sized Education in Less than 15 Minutes
- Welcome to DF/HCC! An Overview of the Consortium Structure, Systems, and Training Requirements (13 minutes)
- What Types of Research Require Submission to DF/HCC and Why?...(8 minutes)
- Activating your Protocol - Tips for Investigators to Ensure a Smooth Activation Process (6 minutes)
- Investigator Attestation Forms and Outside Interest Forms (8 minutes)
- Documenting Delegation of Authority using the DF/HCC Templates (7 minutes)
- Submitting InForm Data Requests (ODQ Data Requests) (7 minutes)
- Use of Treatment Arms in OnCore (9 minutes)
- Investigator Review of External IND Safety Reports (9 minutes)
- Protocol Staff Changes - Guidance for Adding/Removing Staff on an Active Study (15 minutes)
Macro Learning
In Depth Education on BIG Topics
- DF/HCC Onboarding Webinar: Training Requirements, Systems, and Resources (live webinar recording)
- DF/HCC Guide to NCI Registration(24 min)