Staff Profiles
Before new research staff can be added to protocols, they must have a staff profile in the applicable system. OnCore and iRIS are separate systems and updates in one system do not automatically occur in the other. Profiles and access must be requested separately.
If a user is granted systems access, they will already have a profile created. However, in some cases a user may need a profile only (e.g., many investigators have profiles in OnCore but no system access role.) Please follow the specific directions on the New Research Staff Checklist to request a profile and/or systems access.
Changing the PI of an Existing Protocol
Principal investigator changes review and approval by the IRB of record. When the PI changes at any DF/HCC institution, this must be submitted as an amendment in iRIS. Research staff must not make changes to the PI in OnCore.
Each site is responsible for making their staff updates in the system (except PI changes). Please see the Quick Guide for Updating the Staff Tab in the OnCore WIKI:
Updating Research Staff in IRIS
Each site is responsible for making their staff updates in the system and should only include staff from their institution under their Key Study Personnel. As per the above, changes to a DF/HCC PI require an amendment. Please see the iRIS Quick Reference Guide in the iRIS WIKI: