March 27, 2024
The Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center Specialized Program in Research Excellence (SPORE) in Prostate Cancer seeks applications for Career Enhancement and Developmental Research Awards in Prostate Cancer Translational Research with applications due on May 15, 2024. Read more about these awards below for more information.
Career Enhancement Program RFA
The DF/HCC Prostate Specialized Program in Research Excellence (SPORE) is seeking applications for the Career Enhancement Program (CEP) projects.
REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS: | Career Enhancement Awards |
AWARD AMOUNT: | $50,000 direct costs plus F&A at applicant institution’s federally negotiated rate; option to renew for 2nd year |
APPLICATION DEADLINE: | May 15th, 2024 |
The Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center Specialized Program in Research Excellence (SPORE) in Prostate Cancer seeks applications for Career Enhancement Program Awards in Prostate Cancer Research. Supporting and mentoring the next generation of leaders in basic, clinical, population, and translational prostate cancer research is a top priority for the DF/HCC SPORE in Prostate Cancer, and is facilitated by the Career Enhancement Program.
Eligible candidates include those in their final stage of a clinical fellowship or postdoctoral fellowship (MD, PhD/ScD, or MD/PhD required) with transition to faculty within one year, or who hold a faculty position of Instructor or Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School or Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. A successful track record of research productivity in prostate cancer is strongly desired. The research plan and overall career goals may include the disciplines of basic biology, treatment science, population science, or health outcomes research: each application must have a clear plan for translation to humans, since the purpose of the SPORE is to promote translational research in prostate cancer. As described below, applications will be judged on their scientific merit as well as the potential contriution of the research to the overall DF/HCC Prostate Cancer SPORE.
The awardee will receive one year of funding ($50,000 direct costs plus F&A at applicant institution’s federally negotiated rate) with an option to renew for a second year based on project progress and funding need (up to a total of $100,000 in direct costs). Funds can be used for salary support or research related activities to be conducted at Harvard Medical School, the Harvard Chan School, or any of the Harvard affiliated hospitals.
The awardees will become members of the DF/HCC Prostate Cancer Program and are expected to be active participants and attend SPORE activities including monthly meetings, scientific retreats, and presentations. The Career Enhancement Awards Program is committed to enhancing diversity and women and candidates from underpresented backgrounds are couraged to apply. Projects that address matters relevant to underrepresented groups are encouraged.
Note: some of the projects will be funded entirely by the NCI SPORE, which allow the organizations to request indirect costs (IDC). Others may be funded on the Institutional Commitment Fund, which does not allow for IDC.
Selection Criteria: A review committee will make the award based on these criteria:
- Scientific quality of the proposal
- Quality and demonstrated potential of the investigator to be an independent leader in translational prostate cancer research
- Strength of the mentorship team to support the PI’s research and career development
- Strengths of the research environment
- Enthusiasm of the candidate to be a part of the DFHCC Prostate Cancer Program and SPORE
For pre-submission inquiries, contact any of the program leaders: Lorelei Mucci (lmucci@hsph.harvard.edu), Paul Nguyen (pnguyen@lroc.harvard.edu), Adam Feldman (afeldman@mgh.harvard.edu), Steven Balk (sbalk@bidmc.harvard.edu), or Misha Beltran (himisha_beltran@dfci.harvard.edu).
Proposal Submission: Please e-mail the following materials in a single PDF file to Candi Deblay at CandiL_Deblay@dfci.harvard.edu by MAY 15, 2024.
- Abstract (250-word limit)
- Research plan (5-page limit, not including abstract and references) including Specific Aims, Background, Preliminary Data, Approach, section on Potential for Translational Impact, and Anticipated Timeline. Please include a section on how the project might work with other SPORE investigators/Cores (Biospecimen Core, Biostatistics/Computational Core)
- Applicants Career Goals (1 page max)
- Applicant’s and Mentor’s Biosketch(NIH Format – 5-page limit)
- Mentor(s) Letter(s) of Support
- Statement of Intent (signed by Authorized Organization Official)/Statement of Work
- Budget
- Budget Justification
Additional Questions: please contact Candi Deblay at CandiL_Deblay@dfci.harvard.edu.
Developmental Research Project RFA
The DF/HCC Prostate Specialized Program in Research Excellence (SPORE) is seeking applications for the Developmental Research Program (DRP) projects.
REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS: | Developmental Research Project Awards in Prostate Cancer |
AWARD AMOUNT: | $50,000 direct costs plus F&A at applicant institution’s federally negotiated rate; option to renew for 2nd year |
APPLICATION DEADLINE: | May 15th, 2024 |
The Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center Specialized Program in Research Excellence (SPORE) in Prostate Cancer seeks applications for Developmental Research Awards in Prostate Cancer Research. The DRP is designed to support innovative pilot projects in prostate cancer research. Projects are intended to advance a new idea or concept that has the potential to substantially impact our understanding of prostate cancer, and ultimately influence clinical care.
Eligible candidates are faculty at Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Public Health, or local collaborating institutions (MIT, UMass Boston, Boston Medical Center, Boston VA) at the level of Instructor or higher. Women and investigators from underrepresented ethnic and racial groups are encouraged to apply. Research may span the disciplines of basic biology, treatment science, population studies, or outcomes research. However, all basic research must have a plan for translation to humans, since the purpose of this program is to promote translational research in prostate cancer. Applications will be judged on their scientific merit and the potential for contribution to the overall status of the DF/HCC Prostate Cancer SPORE.
The awardee will receive one year of funding ($50,000 direct costs plus F&A at applicant institution’s federally negotiated rate) with an option to renew for a second year based on project progress and funding need (for total of $100,000 in direct costs). Funds may be used for salary and/or support of research. Funding provided should be spent within the budgeted time period. Projects that address matters relevant to underrepresented racial and ethnic groups are encouraged. The individual would become a member of the DF/HCC Prostate Cancer Program and be expected to attend and present at SPORE activities (meetings, retreats, research presentations).
Note: some of the projects will be funded entirely by the NCI SPORE, which allow the organizations to request indirect costs (IDC). Others may be funded on the Institutional Commitment Fund, which does not allow for IDC.
Selection Criteria: A review committee will make the award based on these criteria:
- Scientific quality
- Potential for clinical application
- Qualifications of the investigators
- Innovation
- Likelihood of progress toward independent funding
- Programmatic needs of the SPORE
For pre-submission inquiries, contact any of the program leads: Matthew Freedman (matthew_freedman@dfci.harvard.edu), Mark Pomerantz (mark_pomerantz@dfci.harvard.edu), Adam Kibel (AKIBEL@bwh.harvard.edu), Misha Beltran (himisha_beltran@dfci.harvard.edu), or Steven Balk (sbalk@bidmc.harvard.edu).
Proposal Submission: Please e-mail the following materials in a single PDF file to Candi Deblay at CandiL_Deblay@dfci.harvard.edu by May 15, 2024.
- Abstract (250-word limit)
- Research plan (5-page limit, not including abstract and references) including Specific Aims, Background, Preliminary Data, Approach, section on Potential for Translational Impact, and Anticipated Timeline. Please include a section on how the project might work with other SPORE investigators/Cores (Biospecimen Core, Biostatistics/Computational Core).
- Applicant’s Biosketch(NIH Format – 5-page limit)
- Statement of Intent (signed by Authorized Organization Official)/Statement of Work
- Budget
- Budget Justification
Additional Questions: please contact Candi Deblay at CandiL_Deblay@dfci.harvard.edu.